Open Luispain opened 3 months ago
Hi Luis, I guess an argument is missing (format='store') in order to store the residuals in the GlobalConvergence node ? _displayTemporalCriteria(t, metrics, nitrun, format=None, gmres=None, verbose='firstlast', stopAtNan=True) The doc of this function is not yet available, sorry ! Cheers
Hi Stéphanie,
Thank you for your answer. I tried what you suggest, but GlobalConvergenceHistory
node remains empty:
nit = 100; time = 0
time_step = Internal.getNodeFromName(t, 'time_step')
time_step = Internal.getValue(time_step)
for it in range(nit):
FastS._compute(t, metrics, it, tc)
if it%modulo_verif == 0:
FastS._displayTemporalCriteria(t, metrics, it, format='store', gmres=None, verbose='firstlast', stopAtNan=True)
time += time_step
Hi Luis,
Once Ivan commits his edits, I'll correct the function that computes the global residuals. For the time being, please define it in your script as
def _calc_global_convergence(t):
var_list_L2 =['RSD_L2','RSD_L2_diff']
if Internal.getValue(Internal.getNodeFromType(t, 'GoverningEquations_t'))=='NSTurbulent':
neq = 6
for b in Internal.getBases(t):
nzones= len(Internal.getZones(b))
c = Internal.getNodeByName(b,'GlobalConvergenceHistory')
zones = Internal.getZones(b)
zone_cong_history = Internal.getNodeByName(zones[0],'ZoneConvergenceHistory')
RSD_ = Internal.getNodeByName(zone_cong_history,'IterationNumber')[1]
nrec = Internal.getValue(zone_cong_history)
##NOTE: the value of the ZoneConvergenceHistory node has the number of rec taking at time t
## the shape of the array of IterationNumber is total number of nrec.
Internal.setValue(c, nrec);
##IterationNumber Node
Internal.createChild(c, 'IterationNumber', 'DataArray_t', numpy.zeros((nrec), Internal.E_NpyInt))
RSD_b = Internal.getNodeByName(c, 'IterationNumber')[1]
RSD_b[:] = RSD_[:]
##The rest of the nodes in the convergence history
for var in var_list_L2:
tmp = numpy.zeros((nrec*neq), numpy.float64)
Internal.createChild(c, var , 'DataArray_t', tmp)
for var in var_list_Loo:
tmp = numpy.full((nrec*neq), -numpy.inf, dtype=numpy.float64)
Internal.createChild(c, var , 'DataArray_t', tmp)
total_Ncells = 0
for z in Internal.getZones(b):
#if z[0]=='GlobalConvergentHistory': continue
zone_cong_history =Internal.getNodeByName(z,'ZoneConvergenceHistory')
isCalcCheck =Internal.getNodeByName(z,'isCalc')
if isCalcCheck is None:isCalc=1
else: isCalc=Internal.getValue(isCalcCheck)
nx = Internal.getValue(z)[0][0]
ny = Internal.getValue(z)[1][0]
nz = Internal.getValue(z)[2][0]
zone_Ncells = nx*ny*nz*isCalc
total_Ncells += zone_Ncells
if isCalc==1:
##Loo per base
for var_local in var_list_Loo:
RSD_ = Internal.getNodeByName(zone_cong_history,var_local)[1]
RSD_b = Internal.getNodeByName(c,var_local)[1]
RSD_b[:] = numpy.maximum(RSD_b, RSD_)
##L2 per base (here only sum)
for var_local in var_list_L2:
RSD_ = Internal.getNodeByName(zone_cong_history,var_local)[1]
RSD_b = Internal.getNodeByName(c,var_local)[1]
RSD_b[:] += RSD_[:]*zone_Ncells
##Average L2 per base
for var_local in var_list_L2:
RSD_b = Internal.getNodeByName(c,var_local)[1]
RSD_b[:] /= total_Ncells
return t
and call it at the end of your script
which will soon be replaced by
NB: Stéphanie was right, leave format='store'
in your call to FastS._displayTemporalCriteria
Hello Luis,
What I might also suggest:
tconv=FastS.create_add_t_converg_hist(t) # creates a PyTree of the convergence histories only. FastS._calc_global_convergence(tconv) # calcs global convergence histories FastS._extractConvergenceHistory(tconv, filename, perZones=True/False, perBases=True/Fase) # exports in Tecplot format
such that one can (1) just load the residuals in tecplot (making their visualization easier) and (2) one can place these functions in the iteration loop to see the residuals on the fly (if it is needed). This is the approach I use. Cheers Antoine
Hi Luis, Could you please confirm that it works now? Commit 62a50fa contains both @IvanMary69's fix to _createConvergenceHistory and a patch for globalConvergenceHistory. Thanks
Hi Vincent,
The new version works great for zonal residuals extraction. However, I still do not get t = FastS.calc_global_convergence(t)
working during the simulation (we need the global residuals during simulation).
The case reproducing the issue, adapted from #13 :
# - convergenceHistory (pyTree) -
import numpy
import Converter.PyTree as C
import Generator.PyTree as G
import FastS.PyTree as FastS
import FastC.PyTree as FastC
import Connector.PyTree as X
import Converter.Internal as I
import Initiator.PyTree as Init
npts = 9
dx = 0.5
z = G.cart((0.0,0.0,0.0), (dx,dx,dx), (npts,npts,npts))
C._addBC2Zone(z, 'WALL', 'FamilySpecified:WALL', 'imin')
C._fillEmptyBCWith(z, 'FARFIELD', 'FamilySpecified:FARFIELD', dim=3)
C._addState(z, 'GoverningEquations', 'NSTurbulent')
Init._initConst(z, MInf=0.4, loc='centers')
C._addState(z, MInf=0.4)
t = C.newPyTree(['Base', z])
C._addFamily2Base(t, 'FARFIELD', bndType='BCFarfield')
C._addFamily2Base(t, 'WALL', bndType='BCWall')
import Dist2Walls.PyTree as DTW
walls = C.extractBCOfType(t, 'BCWall')
DTW._distance2Walls(t, walls, loc='centers', type='ortho')
numb = { 'temporal_scheme': 'implicit', 'ss_iteration':3, 'modulo_verif':1}
numz = { 'scheme':'roe', 'slope':'minmod',
'time_step':0.0007,'time_step_nature':'local', 'cfl':4}
FastC._setNum2Zones(t, numz); FastC._setNum2Base(t, numb)
(t, tc, metrics) = FastS.warmup(t, None)
nit = 10; time = 0
#To remove old ConvergenceHistory nodes
t = C.rmNodes(t, "ZoneConvergenceHistory")
FastS._createConvergenceHistory(t, nit)
time_step = I.getNodeFromName(t, 'time_step')
time_step = I.getValue(time_step)
for it in range(nit):
FastS._compute(t, metrics, it, tc)
FastS.display_temporal_criteria(t, metrics, it, format='store')
t = FastS.calc_global_convergence(t)
time += time_step
# time stamp
I.createUniqueChild(t, 'Iteration', 'DataArray_t', value=nit)
I.createUniqueChild(t, 'Time', 'DataArray_t', value=time)
C.convertPyTree2File(t, 'out.cgns')
RSD_L2 = I.getNodeFromName(t,'RSD_L2')[1]
ItNumber = I.getNodeFromName(t,'IterationNumber')[1]
Which provokes the error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 82, in <module>
t = FastS.calc_global_convergence(t)
File "/stck/cassiope/git/Cassiopee/Dist/bin/ld/lib/python3.8/site-packages/FastS/", line 3888, in calc_global_convergence
RSD_b[:] = RSD_[:]
ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (10,) into shape (1,)
Thank you for your support
Best regards Luis
Hi all,
This message is to inform that
does not seem to be updated.If I run the example script convergenceHistory:
I can see that
node is empty:best regards !