onesaitplatform / onesaitplatform-cloud

Onesait Platform Community edition is a free, open-source Digital Platform that anyone can download and use to build a complete solution over it. This repo contains the Cloud Side of the Platform.
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Import from REST-Entites not working #138

Open UncleDinoso opened 1 week ago

UncleDinoso commented 1 week ago


i imported an REST-Entity with bundle-load on ControlPanel. The Entity is created in table ontology, but in the ontology_rest* tables are no entries and the entity can not be used.

table ontology: image

table ontolgy_rest: image

Edit the entity in Control-Panel show New Entity Wizard and after choose "Creation from REST API" results in Error 500

renetashi commented 1 week ago

Hi @UncleDinoso,

Can you give us more detail? In order to be able to replicate the potential issue, we need a detailed step by step guide of what you did, including the bundle loaded and/or the Rest-entity imported.

UncleDinoso commented 1 week ago


i build an bundle for you to debug the behavior. image

As you can see, in the bundle are no information for the ontology_rest* tables in configdb.

Here are the REST-Operations for the Entity:


So i think its an missing export of this settings.