Open oneshotimage opened 8 years ago
reclaim |rɪˈkleɪm| transitive verb ①(for cultivation, building)开垦 kāikěn ‹marshland, desert, waste ground› to reclaim an area from the sea/jungle 从大海/丛林里开辟出一块地 ②(recycle)回收利用 huíshōu lìyòng ‹plastic, glass› ③(recover)拿回 ná huí ‹possessions, luggage› some customers tried to reclaim their money 一些顾客试图要回他们的钱
plastic |ˈplæstɪk| A.nounUncountable ①(substance)塑料 sùliào ②colloquial (credit card)信用卡 xìnyòngkǎ B.plastics noun plural 塑料 sùliào the plastics industry 塑料工业 C.adjective ①(made of plastic)塑料的 sùliào de ②(malleable)可塑的 kě sù de ③(impressionable)易受影响的 yì shòu yǐngxiǎng de ‹mind›; 可塑的 kě sù de ‹personality›; 易变的 yì biàn de ‹notion, image› ④(false, insincere)做作的 zuòzuo de ‹entertainer, smile›; 华而不实的 huá ér bù shí de ‹environment› ⑤colloquial (artificial, synthetic)味同嚼蜡的 wèi tóng jiáo là de ‹hamburger, coffee, airline food›
luggage |ˈlʌgɪdʒ|
noun Uncountable
especially British 行李 xíngli
British |ˈbrɪtɪʃ| A.adjective (from Great Britain)英国的 Yīngguó de (typical of Great Britain)英国典型的 Yīngguó diǎnxíng de the British embassy/ambassador 英国大使馆/大使 the best of British (luck) (to [somebody])colloquial (祝某人)走好运[常用作反语] B.noun plural the British 英国人Yīngguórén
Great Britain → Great Britain proper noun 大不列颠岛 Dàbùlièdiān Dǎo Great Britain 严格说来,Great Britain是一个地理概念,指大不列颠岛,常称Britain。它由英格兰、威尔士和苏格兰组成。英伦列岛(British Isles)除大不列颠岛之外,还包括爱尔兰岛和其他许多岛屿。1707年,苏格兰和英格兰及威尔士合并,Great Britain开始成为一个政治概念。1801年,爱尔兰和大不列颠合并,组成大不列颠及爱尔兰联合王国(The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland)。1922年,爱尔兰南部宣布成立爱尔兰自由邦(Irish Free State),1949年成为完全独立的爱尔兰共和国(Republic of Ireland)。英国全称也改为大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国(the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland),简称the United Kingdom或the UK。目前在非正式场合,Great Britain和United Kingdom都可以指英国。
Leaked memory
forces the system to allocate additional virtual memory pages for the application, the allocation of which could have been avoided by reclaiming the leaked memory.eventually |ɪˈventʃʊəli| adverb 最终 zuìzhōng