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correspond #13

Open oneshotimage opened 8 years ago

oneshotimage commented 8 years ago

correspond |ˌkɒrɪˈspɒnd, American ˌkɔːr-| intransitive verb ①(match up)«account, set of figures» 相符 xiāngfú to correspond with [something] 与某事物相符 to correspond with one's needs 符合需要 to correspond to sample [Commerce] 符合样本标准 ②(be equivalent)«institutions, tasks» 相当 xiāngdāng they roughly correspond 它们大致相似 to correspond to [something] 相当于某事物 ③(exchange letters)«persons» 通信 tōngxìn to correspond about [something] 就某事通信 to correspond with [somebody] 与某人通信 corresponding |ˌkɒrɪˈspɒndɪŋ, American ˌkɔːr-| adjectiveattributive ①(matching)相关的 xiāngguān de corresponding increases in costs 成本的相应增长 ②(similar)相似的 xiāngsì de corresponding to [something] 与某事物相似 in the corresponding month last year 在去年同月

oneshotimage commented 8 years ago

roughly |ˈrʌfli| adverb ①(without detail)粗略地 cūlüè de ‹calculate, describe, sketch› roughly speaking 粗略地说 ②(more or less)大致 dàzhì ‹equal, equivalent›; 近似 jìnsì ‹triangular, circular› roughly 10%/100 people 约10%/100人 roughly the same age/size 年龄相仿/尺寸差不多 ③(with force)粗暴地 cūbào de ‹handle› ④(severely, strictly)严厉地 yánlì de ‹speak› ⑤(without care)漫不经心地 màn bù jīngxīn de I painted it very roughly because I was in a hurry 我因为有急事漆得非常马虎 to chop/grate the vegetables roughly 粗粗地切一下蔬菜/把蔬菜磨碎 a roughly built brick fireplace 胡乱砌成的砖壁炉 ⑥(not smooth)粗糙地 cūcāo de a roughly plastered wall 灰泥抹的凹凸不平的墙壁