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impossible #14

Open oneshotimage opened 8 years ago

oneshotimage commented 8 years ago

impossible |ɪmˈpɒsəbl| A.adjective ①(not possible)不可能完成的 bù kěnéng wánchéng de ‹task, plan› it is impossible (for [somebody]) to do [something] (某人)做某事是不可能的 to become impossible 变得不可能 ②(implausible)不合情理的 bùhé qínglǐ de ‹story, excuse›(absurd, unreasonable)荒唐的 huāngtang de ‹suggestion, notion› (that's) impossible! I can't believe it! (那)太荒唐了!我无法相信! ③(unattainable)遥不可及的 yáo bù kě jí de ‹dream, goal› ④(very difficult)极艰难的 jí jiānnán de ‹situation, life›; 过分的 guòfèn de ‹demand, pressure(s)› ⑤colloquial (awkward, unreasonable)难对付的 nán duìfu de ‹person› B.nounUncountable the impossible 不可能的事bù kěnéng de shì to achieve the impossible 达到不可能实现的目标

oneshotimage commented 8 years ago

absurd |əbˈsɜːd| A.adjective 荒唐的 huāngtang de ‹behaviour, question, suggestion, idea›; 怪诞的 guàidàn de ‹look› to be absurd (of [somebody]) to do [something] (某人)做某事很荒唐 it is absurd that ... …真是荒唐可笑 B.noun the absurd 荒诞huāngdàn