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embed #15

Open oneshotimage opened 8 years ago

oneshotimage commented 8 years ago

embed |ɪmˈbed| transitive verb(present participle etc. -dd-) ①literal (fix firmly and deeply)把…嵌入 bǎ… qiànrù ②figurative (in the mind)使被铭记 shǐ bèi míngjì to embed itself in [somebody's] memory 深深印在某人的记忆中 these attitudes are embedded in our society 这些看法在我们的社会中根深蒂固 ③figurative (incorporate)使并入 shǐ bìngrù clues to the identity of the author are embedded in the poem 关于作者身份的线索暗含在这首诗中 embedded |ɪmˈbedɪd| adjective ①Linguistics,Mathematics 嵌入的 qiànrù de ‹expression, formula› to be embedded in or within [something] 嵌在某物中 an embedded clause 嵌套式从句 ②Journalism,Military an embedded journalist 随军记者suíjūn jìzhě

oneshotimage commented 8 years ago

literal |ˈlɪtərəl| adjective ①(basic)字面的 zìmiàn de ‹meaning, sense› ②(word for word)逐字的 zhúzì de ‹interpretation› literal translation 直译 ③(exactly copied)如实的 rúshí de ‹performance, adaptation›; pejorative 缺乏想象力的 quēfá xiǎngxiànglì de ④(actual, real)确确实实的 quèquèshíshí de ‹ruin, starvation, truth› ⑤colloquial (absolute)绝对的 juéduì de her marriage was five years of literal hell 她五年的婚姻生活着实让她吃尽苦头

oneshotimage commented 8 years ago

clue |kluː| noun ①(sign)线索 xiànsuǒ ②(idea)想法 xiǎngfǎ to not have a clue (about [something]) (对某事物)一无所知 she doesn't have a clue about cooking 她对烹调一窍不通 he doesn't have a clue! 他笨得很! ③(hint)提示 tíshì (in game)提示语 tíshìyǔ give me a clue 给我点提示吧 PHRASAL VERB clue in transitive verb [clue somebody in]给…提供最新信息 gěi… tígōng zuì xīn xìnxī to clue [somebody] in about or on [something] colloquial 为某人提供某事物的最新消息 to clue [somebody] in on recent events 让某人了解最近发生的事 he's been clued in 他已知情