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prior #16

Open oneshotimage opened 8 years ago

oneshotimage commented 8 years ago

prior |ˈpraɪə(r)| A.adjective ①(previous)在先的 zàixiān de ‹knowledge, experience, engagement, consent› prior notice 预先通知 prior to [something] 在某事以前的 ②(more important)优先的 yōuxiān de ‹duty, claim› B.noun Religion (superior)[小隐修院] 院长 yuànzhǎng (deputy)[隐修院] 副院长 fùyuànzhǎng

oneshotimage commented 8 years ago

engagement |ɪnˈgeɪdʒmənt| noun ①(agreement to be married)订婚 dìnghūn to break off an engagement 解除婚约 ②formal (appointment, meeting)约会 yuēhuì a previous/prior engagement 前约/预约 to break an engagement 取消预约 ③(hiring)雇用 gùyòng the engagement (of [somebody]) as ... (某人)受雇为… ④Military (battle, skirmish)交战 jiāozhàn an engagement with [somebody]/[something] 与某人/某部队的交战 rules of engagement 开战规定

oneshotimage commented 8 years ago

deputy |ˈdepjʊti| noun ①(aide)副手 fùshǒu (replacement)代理 dàilǐ deputy to [somebody] 某人的副手 deputy sales director 销售副经理 to act as (a) deputy for [somebody] 代理某人 ②Politics 议员 yìyuán ③ American deputy (sheriff) 警官jǐngguān