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stack #18

Open oneshotimage opened 8 years ago

oneshotimage commented 8 years ago

The Leaks instrument records all allocation events that occur in your application and then periodically searches the application’s writable memory, registers, and stack for references to any active memory blocks.

stack |stæk| A.noun ①(pile)一叠 yī dié a stack of plates 一摞盘子 to put the chairs together into a stack 把椅子叠放在一起 ②Agriculture 垛 duò a stack of straw 稻草垛 ③(chimney)烟囱 yāncōng (exhaust pipe)排气管 páiqìguǎn to blow one's stackcolloquial 发脾气 ④(shelves) (book) stack 书架shūjià ⑤Aviation 分层盘旋的待降机群 fēncéng pánxuán de dài jiàng jīqún to hold aircraft in a stack 让飞机分层盘旋等待着陆 ⑥ British Geology 岩柱 yánzhù ⑦Computing (存贮)栈 (cúnzhù)zhàn ⑧Audio equipment 组合音响 zǔhé yīnxiǎng ⑨colloquial (a lot)大量 dàliàng she's got a stack of clothes 她有许多衣服 there has been a whole stack of complaints 有一大堆投诉 B.stacks noun plural ①colloquial (lots)大量 dàliàng I've got stacks of time/things to do 我有的是时间/有一大堆事情要做 to have stacks of money 有大把大把的钱 ②(in library) the stacks 书库shūkù open/closed stacks 开架/闭架书库kāijià/bìjià shūkù C.transitive verb ①(pile)把…叠起来 bǎ… dié qilai ‹books, chairs›; 把…堆成垛 bǎ… duīchéng duò ‹hay› to stack [something] into neat piles 把…整齐地码放成堆‹bricks, boxes› ②(fill)在…上堆放 zài… shang duīfàng to stack the shelves (in shop)摆货物上架 a lorry stacked with boxes of [something] 码放着一箱箱某物的卡车 to be (well) stackedcolloquial «woman»胸部丰满 ③Games colloquial 对…作弊 duì… zuòbì to stack the cards British or deck American (against [somebody]) (对某人)洗牌作弊 the cards or odds are stacked in favour of/against [somebody]figurative 情况对某人有利/不利 ④pejorative colloquial (fill with supporters)在…中安插支持者 zài… zhōng ānchā zhīchízhě ‹jury› the committee was stacked 委员会被人暗中控制了 ⑤Aviation 使…分层盘旋待降 shǐ… fēn céng pánxuán dài jiàng ‹aircraft› ⑥Telecommunications 使…排队等候 shǐ… páiduì děnghòu ‹incoming calls› D.intransitive verb ①(able to be piled)可叠放 kě dié fàng stacking chairs 可叠放的椅子 (not) easily/well stacked (不)容易码放/码放得(不)好的 ②Aviation «aircraft» 分层盘旋待降 fēncéng pánxuán dài jiàng PHRASAL VERB stack up A. transitive verb[stack something up, stack up something] ① (put in pile) 把…叠放起来 bǎ… diéfàng qilai ‹books, plates› to stack up the boxes 把箱子摞起来 ② (cause to build up) 使积聚成一堆 shǐ jījù chéng yī duī B. intransitive verb ① (build up) «work, bills» 积聚成一堆 jījù chéng yī duī ② colloquial (compare) 相比 xiāngbǐ how does this brand stack up? 这个品牌怎么样? to stack up well against [somebody]/[something] 比得上某人/某事物 ③ colloquial (make sense) «account» 讲得通 jiǎng de tōng it doesn't stack up 这不合情理 ④ Aviation «aircraft» 分层盘旋待降 fēncéng pánxuán dài jiàng

oneshotimage commented 8 years ago

period |ˈpɪərɪəd|

noun ①(of time)一段时间 yī duàn shíjiān a period of two years 两年时间 the incubation period of measles 麻疹的潜伏期 the post-war period 战后时期 the Victorian period 维多利亚时代 the Jurassic period 侏罗纪 ②Art 时期 shíqī Picasso's blue period 毕加索的消沉时期 ③(of weather)一段持续时间 yī duàn chíxù shíjiān tomorrow there will be rain and bright periods 明天是阵雨间晴 ④(class, lesson)课时 kèshí the Maths period 数学课 to have a free period 上自习课 ⑤ American (full stop)句号 jùhào ⑥(menstruation)经期 jīngqī to have one's period 来例假 ⑦Astronomy 周期 zhōuqī ⑧colloquial (preventing or cutting off discussion)[用以终止谈话] I am the sole owner of the trademark — period 我是商标的唯一拥有人──就是这么回事 ⑨Sport (of match)局 jú

periodically |ˌpɪərɪˈɒdɪkli|

adverb 周期性地 zhōuqīxìng de we meet periodically 我们不时见面