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encounter #2

Open oneshotimage opened 8 years ago

oneshotimage commented 8 years ago

The CLBeacon class represents a beacon that was encountered during region monitoring.

encounter |ɪnˈkaʊntə(r)| A.transitive verb ①(be faced with)遭遇 zāoyù ‹difficulties, resistance, danger› ②(meet)偶然碰到 ǒurán pèngdào ‹person, friend› B.noun 邂逅 xièhòu a brief/chance encounter 匆匆邂逅/巧遇 an encounter with the enemy 与敌人的遭遇战 an encounter with humorous 触犯‹the law› 撞上 zhuàngshang ‹a lamppost›

oneshotimage commented 8 years ago

enemy 敌人 friend 朋友

enemy |ˈenəmi| noun ①(person)敌人 dírén to make enemies 树敌 to make an enemy of [somebody] 与某人为敌 public enemy number one 头号公敌 to be one's own worst enemy 自己害自己 the enemy within 内奸 ②Military the enemy plus singular or plural verb 敌军díjūn to go over to the enemy 投敌tóudí ③figurative (source of harm or weakness)危害物 wēihàiwù

friend |frend| noun ①(person one likes)朋友 péngyou to make friends 交朋友 to make a friend of [somebody] 把某人变成朋友 to make/be friends with [somebody] 和某人交朋友 to be the best of friends 是最好的朋友 let's be friends! (after quarrel)我们和好吧! a friend of the family 亲友 with friends like him/her, who needs enemies? 有他/她这样的损友,谁还需要敌人? a friend in need is a friend indeed. proverb(谚语) 患难朋友才是真朋友 ②figurative (ally)支持者 zhīchízhě the party has many friends in industry 该党在工业界有许多支持者 to have friends in high places 有贵人相助 to be a friend of or to the poor 是穷人的同情者 ③(fellow member)同志 tóngzhì ④(patron)赞助者 zànzhùzhě Friends of the Cathedral 大教堂之友 ⑤(mode of address)朋友 péngyou [用作称呼] come here, my friend, don't be shy 到这儿来,我的朋友,别不好意思 ⑥(with humorous or sarcastic reference)老朋友 lǎo péngyou [含幽默或讽刺义] not forgetting our old friend the taxmanironical 别忘了我们那位收税员老朋友 ⑦figurative (familiar object)老朋友 lǎo péngyou [熟悉的有益事物] this book is an old friend 这本书是位老朋友 ⑧ British Politics 朋友 péngyou [在议院中对同一政党成员的称呼] my honourable friend 我尊敬的朋友 ⑨Law 同行 tóngháng my learned friend 我渊博的同行