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abandon #21

Open oneshotimage opened 8 years ago

oneshotimage commented 8 years ago

Find memory problems in your app, such as leaks, abandoned memory, and zombies

abandon |əˈbændən|

A.transitive verb ①(desert)抛弃 pāoqì ‹person›; 离弃 líqì ‹place, building› to abandon [somebody] to his/her fate 抛弃某人让其听天由命 to abandon one's post 擅离职守 to abandon ship 弃船 ②(stop, give up)放弃 fàngqì ‹hope, plan›; 中止 zhōngzhǐ ‹match, project, search›; 戒除 jièchú ‹habit› B.reflexive verb to abandon oneself to [something] 沉湎于chénmiǎn yú to abandon oneself to a life of pleasure 恣意享乐zìyì xiǎnglè to abandon oneself to despair 陷入绝望xiànrù juéwàng C.nounUncountable 放纵 fàngzòng with gay or wild abandon 放纵地 abandoned |əˈbændənd| adjective ①(deserted)被遗弃的 bèi yíqì de abandoned children 弃儿 an abandoned car 被丢弃的车 ②(wild)无拘束的 ‹movements, gestures›; 奔放的 bēnfàng de ‹dancing› ③(licentious)放荡的 fàngdàng de ‹behaviour›

oneshotimage commented 8 years ago

zombie |ˈzɒmbi|

noun ①(corpse brought to life)[靠巫术] 起死回生的僵尸 qǐ sǐ huí shēng de jiāngshī ②figurative colloquial (dull, lifeless person)木讷呆板的人 mùnè dāibǎn de rén ③Computing [被黑客控制的] 僵尸电脑 jiāngshī diànnǎo