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verdict #24

Open oneshotimage opened 8 years ago

oneshotimage commented 8 years ago

NEFilterVerdict is the base class for Network Extension content filter verdict classes.

verdict |ˈvɜːdɪkt|

noun ①Law [陪审团的] 裁决 cáijué a verdict of guilty/not guilty 有罪/无罪的裁决 to arrive at or reach or return a verdict 作出裁决 the verdict was ... 陪审团的裁决是… ②usually singularfigurative (opinion)结论 jiélùn to give a or one's verdict on [something] 提出对某事的意见 well, what's the verdict?colloquial 那么,有什么意见呢?

oneshotimage commented 8 years ago

NEFilterDataVerdict contains the decision that a Filter Data Provider makes about a chunk of network data.

chunk |tʃʌŋk|

noun ①(piece of meat, fruit, bread, etc.)大块 dàkuài a chunk of plaster 一块厚厚的灰泥 ②colloquial (large amount)相当大的量 xiāngdāng dà de liàng a fair chunk of the essay 文章的大部分