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precedence #26

Open oneshotimage opened 8 years ago

oneshotimage commented 8 years ago

Only one enterprise VPN configuration can be enabled on the system at a time. If both a Personal VPN and an enterprise VPN are active on the system simultaneously, the enterprise VPN takes precedence, meaning that if the routes for the two VPNs conflict then the routes for the enterprise VPN will take precedence.

precedence |ˈpresɪdəns|

nounUncountable ①(in importance)优先 yōuxiān to take or have precedence over [something]/[somebody] 优先于某事物/某人 to give precedence to [somebody]/[something] 首先关注某人/某事物 ②(in rank)级别高低 jíbié gāodī to have precedence over [somebody] 级别高于某人 in order of precedence 按行辈

oneshotimage commented 8 years ago

priority |praɪˈɒrəti, American -ˈɔːr-|

A.noun ①Countable(main concern)优先事项 yōuxiān shìxiàng the main or highest priority 头等大事 a high/low priority 重点/非重点项目 to get one's priorities right/wrong 分清/分不清轻重缓急 ②Uncountable(precedence)优先 yōuxiān to have or take priority over [something] 比某事优先考虑 to get priority 享有优先权 ③Uncountable British (on road)优先通行权 yōuxiān tōngxíngquán priority to the right 右侧优先通行权 B.adjective 享有优先权的 xiǎngyǒu yōuxiānquán de the priority list 优先事项表