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multiple #32

Open oneshotimage opened 8 years ago

oneshotimage commented 8 years ago

multiple |ˈmʌltɪpl|

A.noun ①Mathematics 倍数 bèishù a multiple of [something] 某数的倍数 to be sold in multiples of six 按6的倍数出售 ② British (chain of shops)连锁店 liánsuǒdiàn B.adjective ①(manifold)多个部分组成的 duō gè bùfen zǔchéng de a multiple crash 连环撞车事故 multiple choices 多项选择 multiple share applications 多重认股申请 ②(many and various)多处的 duōchù de ‹injuries›; 多种的 duōzhǒng de ‹functions›; 多重的 duōchóng de ‹meanings›