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preservation #34

Open oneshotimage opened 8 years ago

oneshotimage commented 8 years ago

In iOS 6 and later, if you assign a value to this view’s restorationIdentifier property, it attempts to preserve its URL history, the scaling and scrolling positions for each page, and information about which page is currently being viewed. During restoration, the view restores these values so that the web content appears just as it did before. For more information about how state preservation and restoration works, see App Programming Guide for iOS.

preservation |ˌprezəˈveɪʃn|

noun Uncountable ①(of wildlife, buildings)保护 bǎohù ②(of peace, standards, self-respect)保持 bǎochí ③(condition)保存状况 bǎocún zhuàngkuàng in a good state of preservation, in good preservation 保存完好的 ④(of food)保藏 bǎocáng

oneshotimage commented 8 years ago

preserve |prɪˈzɜːv|

A.transitive verb ①(save)保护 bǎohù ‹buildings, manuscripts, traditions, environment› to preserve [something] for [something] 为某目的保护某物 ②(maintain, keep)保养 bǎoyǎng ‹old furniture, leather›; 保持 bǎochí ‹standards, peace, dignity›; 维护 wéihù ‹rights, reputation› ③(save life of)拯救 zhěngjiù ‹life, passengers› God preserve us!dated 我的天啊! heaven or the saints preserve us from that!dated 老天保佑我们! ④Culinary 保藏 bǎocáng ‹vegetables, fruit, meat› B.noun ①Countable and uncountable(fruit)水果蜜饯 shuǐguǒ mìjiàn (vegetable)腌菜 yāncài (chutney)酸辣酱 suānlàjiàng ②Countable and uncountable(jam)果酱 guǒjiàng ③Countable(for wildlife conservation)野生动植物保护区 yěshēng dòngzhíwù bǎohùqū (for private use)私人渔猎场 sīrén yúlièchǎng a fishing/hunting preserve 禁渔/禁猎地 ④Countable(sphere of activity)专门领域 zhuānmén lǐngyù to be a male preserve 为男性专有