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multiplier #38

Open oneshotimage opened 8 years ago

oneshotimage commented 8 years ago

Use this property to specify the smallest multiplier for the current font size that yields an acceptable font size to use when displaying the label’s text. If you specify a value of 0 for this property, the current font size is used as the smallest font size.

multiplier |ˈmʌltɪplaɪə(r)|

noun 乘数 chéngshù

oneshotimage commented 8 years ago

yield |jiːld|

A.transitive verb ①(produce)«land, sea» 出产 chūchǎn ‹crop, harvest›; «cow, mine» 产 chǎn ‹milk, coal› trees that no longer yield fruit 不再结果实的树 ②Finance (return)«investment, business» 产生 chǎnshēng ‹interest, profit› shares yielded 8% 股票收益8% to yield millions in taxes 带来数百万的税收 ③(provide)«talks, experiment, method» 产出 chǎnchū ‹results, benefit› to yield new insights into genetics 对遗传学提供新见解 ④(surrender)让出 ràngchū ‹town, territory, land, right›; 缴出 jiǎochū ‹weapon› to yield the floor to [somebody] 允许某人插话 to yield the right of way (to [somebody]/[something])Automobile (给某人/某物)让行 to yield ground 放弃阵地 ⑤formal (reveal)«universe, investigations» 泄露 xièlòu ‹information, secret, facts› a close examination yielded valuable clues to the police 经过仔细检查,警方获得了宝贵线索 B.intransitive verb ①(give in)«person, government» 屈服 qūfú to yield to pressure/persuasion/temptation 屈服于压力/听从劝说/经不住诱惑 to yield to entreaties 答应恳求 I yield to your expertise in this matter 在这方面我要靠你的专业知识 to yield to no one 对谁都不示弱 ②(break, bend under pressure)«lock, door» 被弄开 bèi nòngkāi ; «bridge» 倒塌 dǎotā ; «beam, cable» 变形 biànxíng ③(be superseded)«technology, practice, farmland» 被取代 bèi qǔdài ④(produce)«land, sea, mine, cow» 产 chǎn to yield well/poorly 产量高/产量低 ⑤ especially American Automobile «driver, vehicle» 让路 rànglù ‘yield’ (on sign)“让车” C.noun ①Uncountable and countable(amount produced)产量 chǎnliàng the annual milk yield 年产奶量 a low/high yield (of [something]) (某物的)低产/高产 a high-yield variety 高产品种 ②Countable(return on shares, investments)收益率 shōuyìlǜ a yield of 10% 10%的利润 a high-yield bond 高收益率债券 ③CountableChemistry 收获率 shōuhuòlǜ a 75% yield 75%的收获率 PHRASAL VERB yield up A. transitive verb[yield something up], [yield up something] 泄露 xièlòu ‹secret, treasure› B. reflexive verb to yield oneself up to [something] 屈从于某事物 qūcóng yú mǒu shìwù to yield oneself up to the pleasures of the moment 沉湎于一时的欢娱 chénmiǎn yú yīshí de huānyú

oneshotimage commented 8 years ago

acceptable |əkˈseptəbl|

adjective ①(satisfactory)可接受的 kě jiēshòu de to propose a compromise acceptable to both parties 提出一个双方都能接受的折中方案 ②(allowable)可容忍的 kě róngrěn de within acceptable limits 在可忍受的限度之内 to be acceptable to do [something] 做某事是可以容忍的 ③dated (welcome)受欢迎的 shòu huānyíng de oh, a cup of tea would be most acceptable! 噢,来杯茶再好不过了!