oneshotimage / English

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confuse #43

Open oneshotimage opened 8 years ago

oneshotimage commented 8 years ago

I think you are confusing COPY_PHASE_STRIP (displayed in the Xcode build settings as "Strip Debug Symbols During Copy") and STRIP_INSTALLED_PRODUCT ("Strip Linked Product").

confuse |kənˈfjuːz|

transitive verb ①(bewilder)使迷惑 shǐ míhuò to confuse [somebody] by doing [something] 做某事迷惑某人 ②(fail to distinguish)混淆 hùnxiáo to confuse A and or with B 混淆A和B ③(complicate)使…含混不清 shǐ… hánhùn bùqīng ‹argument, reasoning› she confused the issue by quoting opposing theories 她引用的理论互相矛盾,把问题弄复杂了 confusing |kənˈfjuːzɪŋ| adjective ①(perplexing)令人困惑的 lìng rén kùnhuò de ‹experience› ②(complicated)复杂难懂的 fùzá nán dǒng de ‹instructions› a very confusing email 一封极其令人费解的电子邮件