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encapsulate #5

Open oneshotimage opened 8 years ago

oneshotimage commented 8 years ago

A CLVisit object encapsulates information about interesting places that the user has been.

encapsulate |ɪnˈkæpsjʊleɪt| transitive verb ①(summarize)概括 gàikuò ‹period of history, philosophy› ②(include, incorporate)包含 bāohán ‹information, scene›

oneshotimage commented 8 years ago

philosophy |fɪˈlɒsəfi| noun ①Uncountable(academic discipline)哲学 zhéxué to study philosophy 研究哲学 ②Countable(philosophical theory)哲学思想 zhéxué sīxiǎng ③Countable(personal outlook)理念 lǐniàn my philosophy of life 我的人生哲学