If you want to ensure your datepicker opens automatically when the page loads, you can use a combination of React hooks and a simulated click event. Here's how:
Reference the Wrapper div
Create a useRef hook to reference the div containing the Datepicker component. This will allow you to interact with the DOM element directly.
Use setTimeout to Delay the Click Event
To make sure the simulated click event is dispatched after the component is fully rendered, use the setTimeout function. This will delay the click event, allowing the DOM to be completely ready.
If you want to ensure your datepicker opens automatically when the page loads, you can use a combination of React hooks and a simulated click event. Here's how:
Create a useRef hook to reference the div containing the Datepicker component. This will allow you to interact with the DOM element directly.
To make sure the simulated click event is dispatched after the component is fully rendered, use the setTimeout function. This will delay the click event, allowing the DOM to be completely ready.