onesteinbv / addons-sendcloud

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Issue with country of origin - Odoo Enterprise #18

Closed HunkBenny closed 1 year ago

HunkBenny commented 1 year ago

For shipping outside of the EEA, you advise users to use the 'product_harmonized_system' module from OCA. However, this module is incompatible with Odoo Enterprise.. So; your Sendcloud-app will not behave as expected for Odoo Enterprise.

Look at lines 333 - 340:

For Odoo Enterprise, if the 'account_intrastat' module is enabled, a country_of_origin field is added to products that has the functionality that's needed. The value can be accessed as follows:

origin_country = product_tmplate.intrastat_origin_country_id.code I hardcoded this in our backend for now. It works for us.

What I advise is adding something along the lines of:

is_account_intrastat_installed = self.env["ir.module.module"].search([
            ("name", "=", "account_intrastat "),
            ("state", "=", "installed")
        ], limit=1)
if is_account_intrastat_installed:
    origin_country = product_tmplate.intrastat_origin_country_id.code

Love to hear from ya!


astirpe commented 1 year ago

Hi @HunkBenny thank you very much! That's very appreciated. I'm going to apply your solution soon!

astirpe commented 1 year ago

@HunkBenny the module was updated with the fix you proposed. Thanks again!