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✊ Manifeste des travailleuses et travailleurs du numérique pour une autre réforme des retraites
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Traduction vers l'anglais, diffusion à la Tech Workers Coalition aux US #603

Open AlKoulounil opened 4 years ago

AlKoulounil commented 4 years ago

Salut !

Si vous voulez, je vis aux US et j'ai quelques contacts avec des gens à la TWC :

Ils se sont notamment faits connaitre en participant fortement à la mobilisation contre Amazon qui mettait en concurrence les différentes villes de la côte Est pour choisir où placer son nouveau QG.

Je me disais que ça pouvait être pas mal de traduire ce texte et le leur faire passer, ne serait-ce que pour favoriser la compréhension mutuelle des mouvements sociaux à l'international.

Qu'est-ce que vous en pensez ?


AlKoulounil commented 4 years ago

(Arf, pas moyen d'enlever le Label "signature" à l'issue ;)

pocky commented 4 years ago

Hello, à discuter avec @dunglas (c'est théoriquement dans sa todo - minus sa dispo)

dunglas commented 4 years ago

Toute aide est la bienvenue concernant la traduction !

AlKoulounil commented 4 years ago

Pour sûr, vous en êtes où ? Je peux m'en occuper ce soir si nécessaire.

pocky commented 4 years ago

@AlKoulounil Part du principe qu'on en ai nul part sur ce sujet (APIDays + récupérer le temps passé à ne pas bosser sur nos prods donc :smile:)

dunglas commented 4 years ago

Je confirme, on est est nul part :)

AlKoulounil commented 4 years ago

Hop !

Ci-dessous, une proposition de traduction. En parlant, d'automatisation, je me suis aidé de Deep. Enfin, j'ai quand même essayer de reformuler, notamment les phrases de trois lignes ;). Bref, je vous laisse relire. Prévenez-moi si vous la publiez quelque part que je transmettes.

Automation can be an opportunity for humanity: it allows us to delegate to machines more and more 
tedious, thankless, complex, boring or unfulfilling tasks. The rapid progress made in recent decades 
in the fields of electronics, computing, networks and artificial intelligence has made it possible to free 
us from work a little more every day.

Unfortunately, the monumental wealth produced by machines and programs is also monopolized by a 
handful of people : the owners or shareholders of multinationals in the tech industry, or fields that 
depend increasingly on it. This represents more than $3.3 trillion in 2019 alone. One example among 
others, Bernard Arnault is a major shareholder of Google, Netflix and 50 startups incubated at Station 
F. While the poorest of our elders, especially women, have to survive on €868.20 per month as a 
minimum old age, he earns the equivalent of €3 million per hour.

The french government would now have us believe that we need to work longer to finance the 
pensions of our elders. They say that railway workers, health care personnel, firefighters or teachers 
are the priviledged ones, sponging of the society. In reality, the inequalities are such that the 26 
wealthiest people in the world, have more than the 3.8 billion poorest combined. In second place 
among these 26, is Bernard Arnault, just behind Jeff Bezos. Among these fortunes, some are from 
the tech industry... but none are railway workers, caregivers, firemen or teachers.

Extending the number of years of work required before retirement or even claiming to fight 
unemployment while encouraging overtime is an aberration. It's a historical nonsense at a time where 
automation is increasing at such a fast pace. Fighting for "labour" as a moral value in itself is not only 
futile but dangerous: the consumer society, this foolish desire to produce ever more and ever more 
useless is destroying our planet.

These machines and programs, because they are major factors in productivity gains, are also the 
cause of the destruction of the value of many skills on the labour market. Women and men thus 
rendered precarious do not benefit from any clemency of our society: they are ordered to comply with 
a labour market that does not tolerate slowing down its progress towards profitability, which is set up 
as an end in itself. All this in disregard of the opinion of the people concerned, left on their own after 
an algorithm or a robot has replaced them.

Automation can and must serve humanity. It makes it possible to work less, retire earlier, and in 
excellent living conditions, to free up free time for all to study, experiment, practice sports or arts, and 
spend time with family and friends; to live.

The programs and machines we create can help fight poverty, enabling everyone to live better and 
more comfortably. However, this will only happen if the wealth they produce is better distributed, and 
if their environmental impacts are reduced.

Automation must be used to restore some meaning to work, to make it possible to work better and 
less. In contrast to the standardization of work that requires humans to adapt to the infernal rhythm of 
machines (Uber races, Deliveroo deliveries, truck loading in Amazon warehouses and other 
algorithmically guided parcel distribution tours), automation must be used to rehumanize it, to allow 
workers to regain autonomy, initiative and control of their production tools. As designers of these 
programs and algorithms, our responsibility is to ensure that our creations are used to help and 
liberate. We must refuse to produce tools designed to exploit, enslave, repress or pollute.

We will probably be less affected than others by the current pension reform. But, do we want our 
loved ones, friends, or simply the other workers to suffer from it ? Should they have to choose 
between working up to 64, 65... 70 or living in total precariousness? We do not accept this project 
which prevents us from projecting ourselves into the future. We do not accept that the amount of ourt 
pensions may be vary every year depending on the goodwill of the government.

We, developers, system administrators, teachers, researchers, designers, web and telecom actors 
working for the public service, in large private companies, start-ups, cooperatives, as employees or 
self-employed, affirm our opposition to the pension reform proposed by the government. We 
advocate instead for a reform based on other bases of wealth distribution: lowering the retirement 
age and reducing working time by putting automation at the service of the common good rather than 
that of a few billionaires.

As a result, we call:

* to participate in the strike movement and demonstrations against this reform,
* to fund the strike funds to compensate for the strikers' loss of income,
* to post on our websites and in our companies our support for the fight against this reform.
wehlutyk commented 4 years ago

Hello !

J'ai repris quelques morceaux et mis ça sur un pad pour continuer à itérer un peu :

samusz commented 3 years ago


mis ça sur un pad pour continuer à itérer un peu :

Le pad semble vide, un lien foireux ?

wehlutyk commented 3 years ago

Le pad a dû expirer malheureusement, c'est un bimestriel.

wehlutyk commented 3 years ago

Mais s'il y a toujours un intérêt à améliorer cette version, je refais une passe avec plaisir !