oney / RCTWebRTCDemo

MIT License
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Run-time simulator Error: Unable to resolve module `` from `[code directory]/RCTWebRTCDemo/main.js`: #49

Open cppiod opened 7 years ago

cppiod commented 7 years ago

Unable to resolve module from /Users/cpp/devworkspace/ReactNative/RCTWebRTCDemo/main.js: Module does not exist in the module map or in these directories: /Users/cpp/devworkspace/ReactNative/RCTWebRTCDemo/node_modules/ , /Users/cpp/devworkspace/node_modules/ , /Users/cpp/node_modules/

This might be related to To resolve try the following:

  1. Clear watchman watches: watchman watch-del-all.
  2. Delete the node_modules folder: rm -rf node_modules && npm install.
  3. Reset packager cache: rm -fr $TMPDIR/react-* or npm start --reset-cache.
kim-jikyung commented 7 years ago

In /Users/cpp/devworkspace/ReactNative/RCTWebRTCDemo/main.js:

before import io from '';

after import io from '';