onflow / developer-grants

Grants for developers that contribute to the broader developer ecosystem
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.find NFT detail page #39

Open Christian-findonflow opened 2 years ago

Christian-findonflow commented 2 years ago

.find NFT detail page.

Grant category

Developer tools / services


If you want to .find information about an NFT #OnFlow right now you have some options.

  1. The origin site of that NFT
  2. A Block explorer like flowscan/flow-view-source
  3. View the item in BloctoApp/Lilico. If you use that wallet and if the NFT is supported

Many origin sites mix off-chain data in their display and it is hard for a user to know if an asset they have purchased has truly been minted.

This grant aims to make such a page that will have a content addressable URL that is easy to remember and link.

The url would be something like: find.xyz/0x886f3aeaf848c535/Flovatar/95 find.xyz/address or find name/<nft alias from Alchemy/nft registry>/

Problem statement

A block explorer is a technical tool for tech-savvy users that will give them a detailed overview of what is going on in a language that is not comfortable to many people.

Displaying NFTs inside your own wallet has some merit, but what if others want to verify what you have/own? For a normal user, there are no good options for independent verification and display of an NFT.

Proposed solution

At .find each NFT will have its own page that can be reached in a content addressable/shareable way. No login will be required and no .find name is needed. Although the link would be prettier/easier to remember if you have a .find name. The page will show information about this NFT from as many sources as possible and package this up into a "normie" readable way.

Information displayed:


.find will try to judge the authenticity and strength of the NFT and the origin project it comes from using

Fetching information:

We will try to fetch the information using the onChain NFT/Alchemy registry We will fall back to alchemy API for TopShot and some assets that needs to be enriched. Or use the graphql api to fetch those.

Use flowgraph to show NFT purchase history for this NFT


.find will strive to integrate as many other service-level solutions #OnFlow as possible. At this moment these include


In our eyes, this offers a huge benefit to the flow ecosystem. There will be a place where everybody can view all the data about an NFT that is stored #OnChain and verify its authenticity. The web3 space on ETH is haunted by scams and this is a tool that could inform users in a simple and trusted way to help avoid that.

We are committed to develop tools and feature sets that will enable and equip end-users to make informed decisions and improve user experience across all projects that engage.

Milestones and funding

Milestone Deliverables Timeline Risks USD proposal
1 - Discovery - Agree approach with the projects below. - Review other available services/projects #onFlow. - create report of viable integrations 1 week - 2,000
2 - Integration As a minimum we will integrate: - schwap.io: create a schwap with this item in it - flowty.io: create a loan with this NFT as collateral - display if this NFT is listed in flowt - allow listing the NFT for sale/auction at the .find market- List all known marketplaces that sell this NFT, for blocto/rarible it is very hard to know where it is listed because of the nature of NFTStorefront 2 weeks - 10,000
3 - Front end design Develop the front end to show this information in a user friendly way. In addition to the current available information on .find. We will add: - Any known View that is exposed from this resource using the Metadata Standard will be displayed - Any not-known view will be shown in an expandable way as pure JSON - Any scrapable history of that NFT. 2 weeks - 8,000
4 - Ungate access Make the changes needed to the find site to enable users without a find address to become searchable 1 day - 1,000


Name Role Bio Contact
Bjarte Karlsen CTO Making sure that the humans at .find understand the machine way bjarte@find.xyz
Christian Miles CEO Making sure the humans at .find talk to each other and make things happen christian@find.xyz

Milestone completion

alxflw commented 2 years ago

Hey @Christian-findonflow - we're excited about this proposal. Could you please add a few more details and break out the work into more milestones? If there are any integrations, we'd suggest we cover these in an "adoption milestone".

Feel free to reach out to me on discord if you have further questions (alx-flw.find#6198)

Christian-findonflow commented 2 years ago

Hey @alxflw thanks for the feedback. I have been off the last couple of days and heading to NYC Saturday but will endeavour to get these changes made. This proposal excites us too, a lot. We feel there are a lot of possibilities here both now and in the future.

alxflw commented 2 years ago

thanks @Christian-findonflow! please let me know when you finished the updates on the milestones, so we can review 🙏

Christian-findonflow commented 2 years ago

@alxflw please see latest updates. Let me know if you needed anything else?

alxflw commented 1 year ago

hey @Christian-findonflow, this grant was accepted! 🚀

There will also be an NFT catalog soon (self service NFT collection listing) and it would be great if you could integrate with that.

I'll follow up with you with next steps!

Christian-findonflow commented 1 year ago

Thanks alex, this is great news! The team are onto this already. 🔥