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Inconfido: Flow Verified Projects Ledger (FVPL) #63

Open iJrod opened 2 years ago

iJrod commented 2 years ago

Inconfido: Flow Verified Projects Ledger (FVPL)

Grant category

Please select one or more of:


Problem statement

End users have the burden to validate and confirm that the smart contracts they interact with are legitimate and correctly associated with the project. This burden makes users susceptible to hacks and result in the irreversible loss of user funds.

Developers and wallets currently have no way of presenting verified metadata in a human readable way to end users, which would inform them when they are connecting to an unverified and potentially malicious smart contract.

Proposed solution


We will initially look into Flow’s FLIP on “Interaction Templates” and provide an analysis of pros and cons of using this method to provide human-readable user interaction and protect users against malicious activities. This will help Flow devs in shaping their roadmap for this proposal.

We will then formulate a view on how our security product, FVPL, that stores and uses Web2 and Web3 context for risk scoring could fit in with “Interaction Templates” and the proposed stakeholder roles. This will allow us and the Flow team to better understand how everything will work together to protect its builders and users.

Our ultimate vision is to provide users with clear and actionable data so they can make better decisions when interacting with smart contracts on Flow. FVPL, along with other existing mechanisms such as “Interaction Templates” will provide users with confidence in understanding when they are interacting with verified and secure smart contracts and when they might be executing risky transactions.

Link to “Interaction Templates” FLIP: FLIP #934

Additionally, Flow developers and builders will get enhanced security that they can embed into their projects and allow third-parties to deliver human-readable security for end-users. Builders on Flow will also leverage the security tools we will be providing in the future to encourage safe composability and secure development on Flow.


Developers will receive:

Community / ecosystem will receive:


Milestones and funding

Milestone Deliverable Timeline Risks USD proposal Justification
Onboarding x2 engineers (1 FTE) Create job specification, adverts, and perform interviews to onboard 2 part time developers with experience in smart contracts and Cadence for 6 months 8 weeks Resources not available or unable to find appropriate experience 8,000 - Write job descriptions
- Engage recruiter
- Define pay schedule
- Perform interviews / onboarding
- Get job board posting
FLIP #934 security review and threat modeling Output with threat models and associated impact / likelihood of the existing Interaction Templates architecture 2 weeks Design/plans change as threat modelling is conducted. Therefore we would take a snapshot at a point in time and threat model accordingly 7,000 - Deep dive into interaction template, architecture reviews
- Build 3-5 threat scenarios against architecture, including attack steps, and associated risk profile
- Review with interaction template team and provide recommendations
FVPL technical definition of initial set of 3 Key Risk Indicators for Flow Define 3-5 KRI's based on a standardised methodology that are quantifiable, provide trending analysis, and provide a clear view of associated risks to Flow and Flow users 2 weeks Delays in agreement on KRIs due to long feedback cycles 7,000 - Define the KRI logic and levels of risk
- Design analytics processes to capture trends
FVPL Web2 and Web3 metadata standardisation mechanisms Definition of Web2 and Web3 metadata elements which will be used for an inital set of KRIs (see milestone#3) and a normalisation approach for metadata 2 weeks Sources of Web2 metadata, whether that's gaining access to private APIs, throttling on public APIs, and/or crawling data sources 7,000 - Define which metadata elements will be included for the KRI's
- Design mechanism to capture the metadata
- Design normalisation approach
FVPL technical build of 3 Key Risk Indicators for Flow Build technical elements to capture and store metadata supporting the defined KRI's 2 weeks N/A 7,000 - Build the POC scripts that captures the metadata needed for the KRIs
FVPL architecture design for metadata storage and interaction with projects / wallets Define storage and interaction architecture for metadata 2 weeks Dependant upon the output from milestone#6, this milestone may need revisiting 7,000 - Design and define storage and integration processes and storage architecture, including flow diagrams, user stories, etc.
- Create mock ups on UI
Threat modeling and security review against FVPL POC architecture and build Threat model architecture and build and feedback action items to the design phase 2 weeks N/A 6,000 - Build 3-5 threat scenarios against architecture, including attack steps, and associated risk profile
- Review with interaction template team and provide recommendations
FVPL technical build of POC storage components and integration points with the FLIP / projects / wallets Build storage and interaction architecture for the FLIP, Flow projects, and wallets 4 weeks Dependant upon milestone#5 and milestone#6 to start 15,000 - Build storage infrastructure, develop smart contract and interaction templates


Name Role Bio Contact
Jared Co-Founder An experienced cyber security professional with nearly a decade of experience. Most recently, Jared threat modelled and advised on security for a well-established Web3 company, further helping the go to market. Jared has a strong interest in business transformation and security principles. With deep understanding in secure design, threat management, and automation. jared@inconfido.com
Danny Co-Founder With a decade of experience in cyber security across New York and London, Danny has deep expertise in threat modelling methodologies and helping Fortune 100 companies in securing their critical assets both on premise and in the cloud. Danny has a special interest in business development as well as a deep understanding of threats, risks, and end user security awareness. danny@inconfido.com
Youssef Co-Founder A security professional with 7+ years of experience in technical advisory. Youssef has supported global players within the financial services industry with improving their cyber security capabilities. Youssef has a special interest in security architecture design, threat modelling and vulnerability management with keen awareness of the Web3 space. Youssef is also an early investor in Flow and a Nine Lives Lounge member in NBA Topshot. youssef@inconfido.com
srinjoyc commented 2 years ago

Hi all,

Thanks for this submission, we needed a bit of time to review to ensure the deliverables and timelines could map well into some of our plans for FLIP 934. We also needed to orient the milestones to be weighted heavier on deliverables that would help evaluate the efficacy of the proposed solution and adoption of it.

Here is our proposed amendments to the milestones, let us know what you think: Milestone Deliverables Suggested Deadline USD Suggested
1 - Security review and threat modeling Threat models and associated impact / likelihood of the existing Interaction Templates architecture September 15th, 2022 10,000
2 - Key Risk Indicators for Flow Define 3-5 KRI's based on a standardized methodology that are quantifiable, provide trending analysis, and provide a clear view of associated risks to Flow and Flow users October 15th, 2022 5,000
3 - FVPL Metadata standards Definition of Web2 and Web3 metadata elements which will be used for an inital set of KRIs (see milestone#3) and a normalisation approach for metadata. October 30th, 2022 5,000
4 - Risk Indicator Service MVP A service that is capable of calculating and storing the risk indicators in any format. Demonstrates and validates the need and effectiveness of the key indicators. October 30th, 2022 15,000
5 - Risk Indicator Service Production A production level build of the risk indicator service with threat modelling. November 15th, 2022 20,000
6 - Adoption At least 2 existing wallet providers must tentatively agree to the usage of this service. December 15th, 2022 10,000

Total USD: $65,000

iJrod commented 2 years ago

Thanks for getting back to us @srinjoyc - we have formally followed up via email after reviewing the updated milestones above.

We're happy to proceed, and looking forward to working with Flow alongside FLIP 934.

srinjoyc commented 2 years ago

@iJrod - Great, consider the grant accepted, and feel free to get started! We will have some paperwork coming your way via email shortly this week!