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If this is the last milestone:
Demonstrate that you've met all the acceptance criteria (link to code, demos, instructions to run etc.). Please see a comprehensive guide I made HERE.
Demonstrate that you've met all milestone requirements and highlight any extensions or additional work done.: Please see a comprehensive guide I made HERE.
Include a payout structure by percentage for each team member (ie. Bob: 20%, Alice: 80%).: @hichana: 100%
Playground: Fix client-side errors in the playground frontend 58 - Milestone 1
This PR is for issue #58
After investigating the redirect scheme for the playground I implemented a revised method that reduces the redirects in order to reduce the possibility of similar errors experienced in #58 and provide the user with a better/faster experience. I made a guide describing the changes and providing instructions with sample user flows: https://github.com/hichana/flip-fest/tree/submission/issue-%2358/milestone-%231/hichana/submission/issue-58/milestone-1/hichana
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