onflow / flips

Flow Improvement Proposals
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EVM support #225

Closed ramtinms closed 1 month ago

ramtinms commented 7 months ago

👉 Announcement 👈

Thank you for the insightful discussions on this FLIP. We feel there is an overwhelming support from the active developer community and the broader ecosystem.

On May 15th, 2024 10-11am PT (17-18:00 UTC) we'll hold a joint meeting of the Core Protocol Working Group and the Cadence Language and Execution Working Group, where we would like to briefly go over it together and approve this FLIP unless there are any major concerns remaining.

You can add the meeting to your calendar via this link or find it on our 📆 Flow Events & Working Groups calendar along with all the other working group meetings. Everyone is welcome 💚

ramtinms commented 6 months ago

Just a heads up we have new findings and received more feedback and I will update this Flip soon with more details.

turbolent commented 6 months ago


ramtinms commented 6 months ago

@turbolent just changed the state to "proposed".

turbolent commented 5 months ago

Does the current state of the proposal reflect the changes that were made in the implementation?

sideninja commented 3 months ago

@turbolent I've updated the contract and I believe it should be up to date now.

turbolent commented 2 months ago

@franklywatson 13cc05f changed the status to implemented, but the FLIP hasn't even been accepted yet? See https://github.com/onflow/flips?tab=readme-ov-file#proposal-states

ramtinms commented 2 months ago

@KshitijChaudhary666 what is the process for moving this forward? is there a meeting to present it?

turbolent commented 2 months ago

@ramtinms This proposal probably lies in between the Cadence Language and Execution Working Group and Flow Core-Protocol Working Group.

Maybe indicate that this proposal is ready for a final round of feedback, and will get approved unless there are any further concerns brought forward. For example, post in Discord and in the forum.

We can maybe schedule a working group meeting soon to have a last discussion, and then get it approved (so far sentiment has been positive).

turbolent commented 2 months ago

@ramtinms Is the FLIP up-to-date with the latest changes made in flow-go?

KshitijChaudhary666 commented 2 months ago

@KshitijChaudhary666 what is the process for moving this forward? is there a meeting to present it?

Hey - simply talking from a FLIP-lifecycle-perspective - presenting the FLIP in the next WG meeting for a final feedback like @turbolent proposed does make sense to me. Once the author is confident of the community sentiment, the status of the FLIP could be changed to "accepted" and thereafter go to implementation @vishalchangrani

ramtinms commented 2 months ago

@turbolent I believe it has all the recent changes. @sideninja any thing we might be missing?

AlexHentschel commented 2 months ago

Discord conversation on getting this FLIP over the finish line and a Working Group Meeting for a final discussion and getting the FLIP formally approved: https://discord.com/channels/613813861610684416/1167476806333513800/1237414321445797939

AlexHentschel commented 2 months ago

👉 Announcement 👈

Thank you for the insightful discussions on this FLIP. We feel there is an overwhelming support from the active developer community and the broader ecosystem.

On May 15th, 2024 10-11am PT (17-18:00 UTC) we'll hold a joint meeting of the Core Protocol Working Group and the Cadence Language and Execution Working Group, where we would like to briefly go over it together and approve this FLIP unless there are any major concerns remaining.

You can add the meeting to your calendar via this link or find it on our 📆 Flow Events & Working Groups calendar along with all the other working group meetings. Everyone is welcome 💚

turbolent commented 2 months ago

Minor, but would be great to resolve: There are still a few differences between the EVM contract in the implementation and in the FLIP:

@ramtinms @sideninja Could you please update FLIP (more important) and implementation to bring them in sync?

sideninja commented 2 months ago

@turbolent I plan to, after I also complete this one https://github.com/onflow/flow-go/issues/5911

AlexHentschel commented 2 months ago

Summary of joint Cadence & Execution and Core Protocol Working Groups on May 15, 2024

links to the video recording and meeting transcript here (at the bottom)

Next Steps

As there were no concerns in the meeting, we intend to move this FLIP to approved/accepted on Wednesday May 22nd, unless significant concerns are brought up here. Thank you.

sideninja commented 1 month ago

@turbolent I updated all the recent changes in the FLIP. As far as the content goes I believe it should be up to date.