onflow / flow-interaction-template-service

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[FEATURE] Easier audits retrieval through FLIX API #35

Open bartolomej opened 6 months ago

bartolomej commented 6 months ago

Issue to be solved

FLIX API currently only supports retrieving auditors, but not their audits themselves. To do that, you'd need to set up FCL (or any other client lib) and query the blockchain (retrieve the FlowInteractionTemplateAudit.AuditManager resource in the auditor's storage) to obtain that info.

I think exposing that info through the FLIX API could make it easier for others to consume it. But advanced users could always retrieve it from the blockchain if they want to (e.g. don't trust the FLIX API instance).

Suggest A Solution

Either one (or both) of these options could work:

What are you currently working on that this is blocking?

We are trying to display some basic FLIX audit info in Flowser, but I figured it might be beneficial to implement audit retrieval logic on the FLIX API side instead of in Flowser internally to benefit other users as well.