onflow / service-account

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Deploy the DependencyAudit contract and upgrade the service account #294

Closed janezpodhostnik closed 3 months ago

janezpodhostnik commented 3 months ago


The dependency audit contract is responsible for emitting an event whenever there are any unstated dependencies (contracts) used in a transaction https://github.com/onflow/contract-updater/blob/main/contracts/DependencyAudit.cdc.

To use it the DependencyAudit contract has to be deployed to the service account, and the service account contract needs to be updated to include a call to the dependency audit contract: https://github.com/onflow/flow-core-contracts/pull/430

1. Deploy DependencyAudit

        "type": "Array",
        "value": [
                "type": "Address",
                "value": "0x8624b52f9ddcd04a"
                "type": "Address",
                "value": "0xe467b9dd11fa00df"
                "type": "Address",
                "value": "0x8d0e87b65159ae63"
                "type": "Address",
                "value": "0x62430cf28c26d095"
                "type": "Address",
                "value": "0xf919ee77447b7497"
                "type": "Address",
                "value": "0x1654653399040a61"
                "type": "Address",
                "value": "0xf233dcee88fe0abe"
                "type": "Address",
                "value": "0x1d7e57aa55817448"
                "type": "Address",
                "value": "0xb19436aae4d94622"
                "type": "Address",
                "value": "0x220c1b4155f86f2f"

This corresponds to the following addresses:

8624b52f9ddcd04a, Epoch, IDTableStaking, ClusterQC, DKG
e467b9dd11fa00df, FlowServiceAccount, NodeVersionBeacon, RandomBeaconHistory, FlowStorageFees, EVM
8d0e87b65159ae63, FlowStakingCollection, LockedTokens
62430cf28c26d095, StakingProxy
f919ee77447b7497, FlowFees
1654653399040a61, FlowToken
f233dcee88fe0abe, FungibleToken, FungibleTokenMetadataViews, FungibleTokenSwitchboard, Burner
1d7e57aa55817448, NonFungibleToken, MetadataViews, ViewResolver
b19436aae4d94622, FiatToken
220c1b4155f86f2f, OnChainMultiSig

These will be the addresses that are skipped when checking which dependencies are staged or not

2. Update FlowServiceAccount

@@ -191,6 +192,16 @@ pub contract FlowServiceAccount { } }

janezpodhostnik commented 3 months ago
