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Feb 15 Mtg #42

Open dwolt opened 7 years ago

dwolt commented 7 years ago
  1. LDN, dryrun of demo with Joe yesterday, went well, they do not need to see a demo unless you can show us the sales order demo header, they want to wait to see the whole thing (the whole script with BUI), Chas will organize the strategy discussion on our end. Whatever we do on the BUI to get it ready for a LDN demo will be reusable, disconnect between a controllable continuous flow and subroutines that invoke other screens that await responses. Grant thinks this is humanly possible to implement. That is done extensively in Avante. LDN ready to proceed with the process without waiting for that.
  2. SUN, Dawn talking to Chuck tomorrow, MTC meeting, sometime the week of the March 6? Suf Cty on Oracle and MVON said they could be a reference and they could show then their site, COLX negotiation with CUBS to move the source to jBASE and MVON, we have a process if we have access to the Power95 machine to potentially run the software in MVON, we have a bytecode interpreter, we can potentially run their p-code...ish
  3. Tom APT, Moe GEN, other emails, linkedin exchanges
  4. DB7, maybe discuss embedding MVON# into their product, like an OEM as we had discussed regarding Evoke
  5. PRC, license agreements, etc, meeting today with Susan, NDA, Chas will send to Susan, next step is for her to send Grant the directories, to fast track must have Grant have her software, quickest way to get Susan.
  6. Versions and look over other items in this huboard
  7. Deployment in general
  8. Deployment specifically to Tony G
  9. Australia, COLX, PROM both DesignBais related, both VARs, both good candidates for MVON# if DesignBais runs on MVON#, neither is running 6.99 -- that's the one that runs with ONdotNET, maybe 6.77, SA folks will check in with Mark to see what they are doing going to DesignBais from SB+. Also lifereg, PO for SALM (Darren), Dawn, Perry & Chas will discuss regarding pricing for Darren