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20170222 Mkt Mtg Agenda #45

Open dwolt opened 7 years ago

dwolt commented 7 years ago


  1. Microsoft relationship good relationship between Microsoft and Pro Sol, difficult between ONgroup and Microsoft, technical glitch e.g. Visual Studio via Pro Sol relationship, only on a temp basis with our relationship. Move toward one relationship. Accounting: e.g. Azure 15 pages of products we have access to through Pro Sol partnership with Microsoft Dereck will drive the expansion of the relationship 1b In next two weeks more movement on the ONgroup Africa legal front 1c cost for Azure we have given Perry licenses, once the structure is finalized, would be under ONgroup Africa MTC in NYC, Dereck and Warren are trying to get a date for that

Press release once we have the partnership in order, ONgroup Africa In the mean time we need to register MVON# as a Pro Sol product

  1. Conferences, Spectrum Zumapalooza Microsoft as a DBMS sponsor, need MVON# registered before they would throw resources at it we could look at getting signage for our booth rather than getting a Microsoft booth Grant and Alan will look at that and see if they can do it Could be a good opportunity for collaboration

  2. Business cards, sig blocks But do you have my name spelled correctly? Chas will send the business cards to Spectrum

Graphic download, each time, displays correctly with a forward some email clients do not recognize png, need to use gif or jpg Dawn will switch to gif or jpg from png and see if that resolves Chas's issues

  1. Box, Dropbox Grant will remove the premium subscription to gracefully We have sent several prospects to to get the mp4

  2. Next PR or blurb Notes about DBTA, Spectrum, Elkie, linkedin, mvdbms

  3. linkedin completing profile better, activity among us starting a linkedin group, group owners get some benefits hard to get elsewhere thumbs up on this strategy

  4. documentation how do we respond when someone asks us where the documentation is, if they buy the product with source code it is fully documented within the code.

"we provide documentation with the product"

  1. putting a bow on it, delivery, doc, trials, hands-on