onionshare / onionshare-android

Android version of OnionShare
GNU General Public License v3.0
141 stars 16 forks source link

IOExceptions thrown by onionwrapper are fatal #94

Closed akwizgran closed 9 months ago

akwizgran commented 9 months ago

The onionwrapper library throws IOExceptions for control port commands that fail. In particular it throws TorNotRunningException if the Tor process has been killed, which can happen on some Oppo/OnePlus/Realme phones. OnionShare doesn't catch these exceptions, so they crash the app. We should handle them gracefully.

Also let's open a ticket upstream for Kotlin to support checked exceptions. ;-)

grote commented 9 months ago

I was always using https://github.com/thirdegg/lint-rules but this was never working very well and seems unmaintained now.