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Reveal active buffer in file explorer #1567

Closed tobiasandersen closed 6 years ago

tobiasandersen commented 6 years ago

There's a command in Atom called tree-view:reveal-active-file that I think would be really cool to have in Oni as well. When invoked in Oni, I'd expect it to look at the currently active buffer and locate that buffer's file in the file explorer (sidebar) and give focus to it.

I'm not familiar with the codebase, so it's a bit hard to tell how hard this would be to implement. But I'd love to give it a shot if you agree it's a feature worth adding.

oni-bot[bot] commented 6 years ago

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someguynamedmatt commented 6 years ago

@tobiasandersen Awesome idea! These files/directories might be a good place to start:

browser/src/Editor/BufferManager.ts browser/src/Services/Explorer/

At least from there you'll be able to see the wiring of the stuff that might directly relate to your goal.

akinsho commented 6 years ago

@tobiasandersen I think this would be really cool functionality sort off like NERDTree's focus file and the atom reveal you mention. In terms of how and where to look to implement this I'd initially point you towards this file which is where the logic for the Explorer lives.

Oni has an api for registering commands the link should give you an example. Haven't quite thought it all through but you could potentially create a function which takes in the current active buffer's file path (the editorManager has access via editorManager.activeEditor.activeBuffer.filePath and then pass it to the explorer which is in the same dir called ExplorerView and have it focus the matching node. Might need to have a look around to figure exactly where to go from there but hopefully that gives you some idea.

Thanks so much for looking at this ^^ 👍 lemme know if you need any help or info.

bryphe commented 6 years ago

👍 , this would be awesome!

tobiasandersen commented 6 years ago

Thanks guys, I'll look into it this week!

feltech commented 6 years ago

I think this can be closed now, due to https://github.com/onivim/oni/commit/b6bdb4bd68a41b4c751da02e74ddfb3512ebe758

CrossR commented 6 years ago


Thanks for the contribution @feltech, certainly something I've wished Oni had before!

It may be worth you and @Akin909 co-ordinating at some point to get this (and the other explorer features) into the Wiki. There is loads of cool functionality being added to it, but I think the documentation around the explorer currently is pretty barebones, and we don't want people to end up missing the cool bits!

There is shortcuts over at https://github.com/onivim/oni/wiki/Shortcuts, but they should probably be linked from the https://github.com/onivim/oni/wiki/Configuration page, plus add maybe a new section to highlight some of these useful features that people might want to bind in some way etc.

akinsho commented 6 years ago

@CrossR yeah definitely a bit behind on documentation re new functionality will have a look this weekend at adding an explorer section to explain the different bits of functionality 👍

feltech commented 6 years ago

A couple of rough one-liners to extract commands as a markdown table...

For commands registered via new CallbackCommand or new Command

$ ag -A5 -w registerCommand | grep -EA3 "new (Callback)?Command" | grep -Ev "new (Callback)?Command" | awk 'BEGIN{command=""; name=""; detail=""; print "|command|name|detail|\n|---|---|---|"} /^--/{print "| "command" | "name" | "detail"| "; command="";name="";detail=""; next} /".+"/{$0=gensub(".*\"(.+)\".*", "\\1", "g"); if (!command) {command=$0} else if (!name) { name=$0 } else if (!detail) { detail=$0 }; next } {if (!name) { name=" " } else if (!detail) { detail=" " }} END{print "| "command" | "name" | "detail" |"}'

and for commands registered directly

$ ag -A5 -w registerCommand | grep -E -w "(command|name|detail):" | awk 'BEGIN{command=""; name=""; detail=""; print "|command|name|detail|\n|---|---|---|"} /command: "/{print "| "command" | "name" | "detail" |"; command=gensub(".*\"(.*)\".*", "\\1", "g"); name=""; detail=""} /name: "/{name=gensub(".*\"(.*)\".*", "\\1", "g")} /detail: "/{detail=gensub(".*\"(.*)\".*", "\\1", "g")} END{print "| "command" | "name" | "detail" |"}'


command name detail
explorer.yank Explorer: Yank Selected Item Select a file to move
explorer.undo Explorer: Undo Last Action
explorer.paste Explorer: Move/Paste Selected Item Paste the last yanked item
explorer.refresh Explorer: Refresh The Tree Updates the explorer with the latest state on the file system
explorer.create.file Explorer: Create A New File
explorer.create.folder Explorer: Create A New Directory
explorer.expand.directory Explorer: Expand Selected Directory
explorer.collapse.directory Explorer: Collapse Selected Directory
explorer.rename Explorer: Rename Selected File/Folder
explorer.toggle Explorer: Toggle Visibility Toggles the explorer in the sidebar
explorer.locate.buffer Explorer: Locate Current Buffer Locate current buffer in file tree
preview.open Preview: Open in Vertical Split Open preview pane in a vertical split
sneak.show Sneak: Current Window Show commands for current window
sneak.hide Sneak: Hide Hide sneak view
oni.themes.choose Themes: Choose Theme Choose your theme from the available bundled themes.
markdown.openPreview Open Markdown Preview Open the Markdown preview pane if it is not already opened
markdown.closePreview Close Markdown Preview Close the Markdown preview pane if it is not already closed
markdown.togglePreview Toggle Markdown Preview Open the Markdown preview pane if it is closed, otherwise open it


command name detail
plugins.toggle Plugins: Toggle Visibility Toggles the plugins pane in the sidebar
browser.openUrl.verticalSplit Browser: Open in Vertical Split Open a browser window
browser.openUrl.horizontalSplit Browser: Open in Horizontal Split Open a browser window
browser.debug Browser: Open DevTools Open the devtools pane for the current browser window.
browser.goBack Browser: Go back
browser.goForward Browser: Go forward
browser.reload Browser: Reload
browser.scrollDown Browser: Scroll Down
browser.scrollUp Browser: Scroll Up
browser.scrollLeft Browser: Scroll Left
browser.scrollRight Browser: Scroll Right
oni.config.openUserConfig Configuration: Edit User Config Edit user configuration file for Oni
oni.debug.openDevTools Debug: Open Developer Tools Debug Oni and any running plugins, using the Chromium developer tools
oni.debug.reload Debug: Reload Oni Reloads the Oni instance. You will lose all unsaved changes!
keyDisplayer.show Input: Show key presses Show typed keys in an overlay.
keyDisplayer.hide Input: Hide key presses Turn off visible typing.
achievements.show Achievements: Open Trophy Case Show accomplished and in-progress achievements
search.searchAllFiles Search: All files Search across files in the active workspace
sidebar.increaseWidth Sidebar: Increase Width Increase the width of the sidebar pane
sidebar.decreaseWidth Sidebar: Decrease Width Decrease the width of the sidebar pane
sidebar.toggle Sidebar: Toggle Show / hide the contents of the sidebar pane.
userSnippets.editGlobal Snippets: Edit User Snippets (global) Edit user snippet definitions for all files.
terminal.openInVerticalSplit Terminal: Open Vertical Open a terminal emulator in a vertical split
terminal.openInHorizontalSplit Terminal: Open Horizontal Open a terminal emulator in a horizontal split
vcs.sidebar.toggle Fetch the selected branch Open a menu with a list of all local branches
vcs.commitAll Version Control: Commit all Commit all staged files
autoformat.prettier Autoformat with Prettier
ciTest.test Test passing over args. Opens a file.
ciTest.test2 Test passing over args. Opens multiple files.
buffer.delete Delete Selected Buffer
buffer.split Split Selected Buffer
buffer.vsplit Vertical Split Selected Buffer
buffer.tabedit Open Selected Buffer in a Tab
buffer.open Open Bufferlist Open A List of All Available Buffers
buffer.toggle Toggle Bufferlist Toggle A List of All Available Buffers
feltech commented 6 years ago

^ just a bit of lunch time fun that may be helpful for the wiki ;)

ELLIOTTCABLE commented 5 years ago

Is there any way to trigger this automatically, on every file opened? I generally use Denite, instead of Oni's built-in fuzzy-finder, to navigate files — or just plain :e — and I'd love to keep the File Explorer open, as a general ‘visual overview’ of my project, but …