onivim / oni

Oni: Modern Modal Editing - powered by Neovim
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Website should include a list of available color schemes #2670

Open mikepc opened 5 years ago

mikepc commented 5 years ago

The theming documentation isn't very helpful for new users in customizing their color scheme.

The mission of the project "Mouse-free productivity with the perks of modern code editors. Open-source, cross-platform, and easy to learn."

Changing one's color scheme is a very basic thing that all modern editors do, and I know that oni is capable of it, but actually executing the customization in Oni implies the user has basic foundation in customizing vim/neovim, and in my case at least, some users simply don't have that foundation.

Personally, I usually choose from one of the default themes that I like/am in the mood for, and then just use that. I'm having to do a significant amount of work to even find what the possible values for "ui.colorscheme" are. This really is a documentation bug.

I can understand not providing a fancy UI to set this value, but we should provide at least a list of available themes. This may be in the documentation somewhere, but it's not obvious and, in my opinion, it should be.

oni-bot[bot] commented 5 years ago

Hello and welcome to the Oni repository! Thanks for opening your first issue here. To help us out, please make sure to include as much detail as possible - including screenshots and logs, if possible.

mikepc commented 5 years ago

To customize my color scheme I installed https://github.com/flazz/vim-colorschemes just like the documentation states.

I now have all of the following colorschemes to play with:

torte mustang earth simple_b clearance greenvision lilydjwg_green rakr-light Chasing_Logic tchaba CodeFactoryv3 bclear no_quarter tango2 carvedwood manxome sandydune twilight256 lightning spring greens blaquemagick stingray aurora evening1 tetragrammaton feral detailed anotherdark matrix putty jellybeans bvemu smyck grape wombat duotone-darkforest xoria256 caramel darkdot burnttoast256 desert256v2 sunburst elise cthulhian inkpot tango-morning midnight obsidian2 eva mellow widower jhlight ron Blue2 rdark DimBlue duotone-darkpark wood charon mud tesla Black BlackSea turbo thestars sienna mint hhdgreen settlemyer base16-railscasts zephyr lumberjack winter antares sf adobe onedark dw_yellow soso triplejelly seoul herokudoc umber-green darkspectrum duotone-darkspace leglight2 preto wombat256 colorsbox-faff xemacs pt_black getafe mayansmoke forneus hhdgray nightshade_print kyle 256-jungle asmdev bluedrake morning derefined simple256 greyblue flattr crayon native sonofobsidian kib_darktango mango wolfpack moonshine fu phphaxor thegoodluck golden blue pink asmdev2 colorsbox-steighties whitedust gor charged-256 impact github gentooish literal_tango busybee tolerable abra jhdark tidy refactor guardian Benokai leo zazen gothic darth kib_plastic nightwish softbluev2 apprentice ironman soda carrot Dim2 phpx liquidcarbon lightcolors vanzan_color grb256 anderson telstar mizore koehler gemcolors blackdust goodwolf 256-grayvim duotone-darkheath materialbox revolutions stonewashed-256 inori 0x7A69_dark darkslategray gruvbox sprinkles holokai cobalt2 wargrey darkburn elda twilight SpaceVim coldgreen abbott seashell redstring beauty256 hybrid-light maroloccio symfony rainbow_sea playroom desertink colorzone cobaltish getfresh base16-atelierlakeside brogrammer up calmar256-light bubblegum-256-dark deveiate base16-atelierestuary lilydjwg_dark colorsbox-material Tomorrow-Night-Blue DimGreen campfire bubblegum-256-light peachpuff miko murphy bayQua landscape perfect flatcolor hhviolet bluegreen kate duotone-darkearth smp vj base16-ateliersavanna kalt beekai nedit2 darkblack corn dw_blue mars duotone-darksea darkZ yeller xterm16 darkblue2 coda Spink candy vibrantink tabula kaltex python thornbird gotham pf_earth obsidian custom scheakur cleanroom tango-desert blueprint montz hhdblue moria mdark textmate16 vylight mrkn256 jiks lapis256 gravity base16-ateliersulphurpool reloaded rdark-terminal duotone-darkpool blackbeauty simplewhite duotone-darkdesert jaime sol badwolf win9xblueback tomatosoup grishin mopkai bog adrian hhorange Dark borland 1989 buttercream tir_black cascadia DimSlate editplus heroku spacegray oceandeep brookstream redblack coffee rainbow_night simpleandfriendly nour genericdc-light strawimodo PaperColor minimalist doorhinge nevfn hhdred industrial robinhood fog seattle tchaba2 tibet LightYellow benlight base16-atelierheath eclm_wombat duotone-darkmeadow distinguished tropikos astronaut newspaper summerfruit northland quagmire delphi itg_flat genericdc ego chrysoprase edo_sea advantage parsec two2tango icansee evolution neverness earendel jellyx cake reliable synic devbox-dark-256 blugrine iangenzo baycomb kkruby vcbc herokudoc-gvim laederon rainbow_fine_blue colorer asmanian2 billw autumnleaf vydark toothpik predawn made_of_code darkbone darker-robin lxvc monoacc oceanlight desert af prmths material taqua silent paintbox ir_black watermark ashen enigma LightDefault rcg_gui dw_green mushroom ekvoli base16-atelierplateau mod8 calmar256-dark SlateDark candycode cabin Red gobo zmrok swamplight mophiaSmoke blazer vividchalk marklar ps_color spiderhawk darkeclipse codeblocks_dark pablo spectro mod_tcsoft black_angus sole duotone-darklake DarkDefault dw_red VIvid ibmedit luinnar manuscript chlordane neon vc Tomorrow-Night strange hybrid_reverse otaku freya Tomorrow-Night-Bright skittles_dark mojave industry wombat256i Dark2 softlight bmichaelsen grey2 seti darkrobot phoenix solarized eclipse oceanblack DimGreens gotham256 argonaut transparent mac_classic visualstudio moss darktango railscasts blacklight chocolate white darkdevel woju zen cgpro hemisu tangoshady legiblelight xian basic disciple slate2 desertEx nightshimmer scite zenesque peaksea SweetCandy h80 dual wintersday znake frood hornet hhdyellow night aqua valloric lilypink sourcerer materialtheme mrpink heroku-terminal professional doriath nightflight hybrid_material saturn sorcerer neonwave default pride denim lingodirector fruity ChocolatePapaya lettuce nerv-ous desert256 scooby Tomorrow-Night-Eighties pyte kalahari nightsky leya brown metacosm blackboard shobogenzo google rcg_term neutron hhspring dw_purple sand far DevC++ base16-atelierseaside kalisi aiseered bocau bw zenburn sadek1 trogdor darkerdesert vilight rastafari autumn rootwater muon trivial256 sean busierbee earthburn peppers stackoverflow neverland-darker duotone-darkcave harlequin bandit colorsbox-stbright skittles_berry hhteal clarity print_bw bubblegum kellys fruit seoul256-light fruidle phd shine delek osx_like buddy ecostation wuye material-theme dull fnaqevan dracula nazca vimbrant pspad lucid rainbow_autumn babymate256 adaryn cleanphp flattened_light blueshift c madeofcode underwater fokus crt clue xmaslights chela_light pencil asmanian_blood seoul256 base16-ateliercave carvedwoodcool adam alduin navajo LightDefaultGrey chance-of-storm candyman warm_grey lizard256 deepsea automation loogica Monokai neverland2-darker jammy elrond last256 dante meta5 hhdcyan sift colorsbox-stblue colorful sweater c16gui contrasty underwater-mod lilac ingretu tcsoft janah desertedoceanburnt summerfruit256 surveyor ekinivim jelleybeans nicotine thor penultimate vexorian flatlandia gardener wasabi256 bensday oxeded grayorange primary d8g_01 pw nature PapayaWhip frozen elisex norwaytoday colorsbox-greenish dawn wellsokai monokain impactjs eva01 impactG tango CandyPaper hhazure sol-term shades-of-teal softblue cool DimRed gryffin less magicwb maroloccio2 nightVision nuvola tayra bluez Dev_Delight nefertiti donbass OceanicNext d8g_03 beachcomber relaxedgreen iceberg termschool lizard base sonoma sierra fx dusk Revolution northsky dw_cyan molokai sky habiLight d8g_02 flattown LightTan desertedocean flattened_dark dw_orange tangoX twitchy night_vision maroloccio3 maui tutticolori base16-atelierforest guepardo darkzen void hhdmagenta colorsbox-stnight louver erez asu1dark newsprint pleasant neverland hybrid soruby ChocolateLiquor potts zellner felipec Green django Tomorrow cloudy elrodeo White2 molokai_dark late_evening luna-term wombat256mod ansi_blows tony_light lanzarotta enzyme MountainDew ubaryd nightshade satori birds-of-paradise smpl shadesofamber hilal codeschool southernlights breeze corporation lazarus nedit elflord evening moonshine_lowcontrast flatui navajo-night atom olive ubloh cobalt neverland2 oceanblack256 understated random nightflight2 dark-ruby bluechia cake16 mophiaDark kiss darkblue kruby behelit base16-atelierdune camo hotpot luna duotone-dark hhpink emacs herald monochrome stonewashed-gui proton C64 martin_krischik graywh simplon pacific radicalgoodspeed Slate whitebox colorful256 codeburn monokai-chris selenitic lucius lodestone biogoo d8g_04 Dim kolor flatland darkocean 256_noir golded heliotrope orange developer motus Light blink sexy-railscasts khaki DimGrey southwest-fog 3dglasses

CrossR commented 5 years ago

Sorry for the missing documentation!

As you've found, we support any vim theme, and the Oni UI will guess colours for the Oni specific parts. There are also some Oni modified themes where the Oni UI has had the colours picked manually, which you can find listed in the command pallete which is Control/Cmd Shift P under themes.

Some people have experienced flickering when using that menu, but the themes all work as expected on restart, once added to your oni config.