onivim / oni

Oni: Modern Modal Editing - powered by Neovim
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Disable Oni autocomplete contextMenu? #2720

Closed cj closed 5 years ago

cj commented 5 years ago

Is it possible to disable/remove the Oni autocomplete context menu? i.e. tabs has a 'native' option to use vim's tabs instead of Oni's https://github.com/onivim/oni/wiki/Features#tabs. Is that possible with the autocomplete context menu? If there is no hidden option, would you be able to point me in the right direction to disable it in the source code?


CrossR commented 5 years ago

It sounds like you want editor.completions.mode from https://github.com/onivim/oni/wiki/Configuration#editor?

Though its been a while since I've tested that options, so I'm not 100%.

cj commented 5 years ago

@CrossR Thanks for the response -- It must be broken as I tried that option before with no luck, and I just tried it again; it still uses the Oni one, no matter what I set it as.

CrossR commented 5 years ago

Hm, setting to "editor.completions.mode": "native", for me seems to work, at least after I restarted Oni (since the externalised menu is done via a neovim flag, we have to restart Oni for it. Technically it can be updated on the fly, but Oni hasn't implemented that yet.).

The easiest way to make sure Oni has fully restarted is via Cmd/Ctrl-shift-P, reload Oni.

cj commented 5 years ago

@CrossR I tried restarting Oni etc.... but it still uses Oni and not native vim:

image 2019-02-10 at 4 10 00 pm

cj commented 5 years ago

I'm running v0.3.9

CrossR commented 5 years ago

I have a feeling Oni's completion loading may be fairly stupid, so the fact you have a space at the end of the config option may be confusing it, ie mode " vs mode".

cj commented 5 years ago

@CrossR ha, I knew you would mention that 😄 the space wasn't meant to be there, I actually updated the screen shot.

cj commented 5 years ago

@CrossR here's the output from the developer logs if that helps.... https://gist.github.com/cj/747841840c3e44189603a0b9730bb6fc

cj commented 5 years ago

@CrossR So it looks like I found the issue, removing "editor.renderer": "webgl" made it use the native context menu! The issue now is, I need webql mode so that my nerd tree webdev icons display properly https://github.com/onivim/oni/issues/2299#issuecomment-396262406.

"editor.renderer": "canvas":

image 2019-02-10 at 4 22 28 pm

"editor.renderer": "webgl":

image 2019-02-10 at 4 23 50 pm

cj commented 5 years ago

So it now seems to be working with webgl, once I removed the option, restarted again; it used native context and then I set "editor.renderer": "webgl" back, restarted and it appears to all work the way it should now. I'm going to close this for now, I'll re-open it if it stops working.

Thank you for helping!