onizet / html2openxml

Html2OpenXml is a small .Net library that convert simple or advanced HTML to plain OpenXml components. This program has started in 2009, initially to convert user's comments from SharePoint to Word.
MIT License
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Published v3-beta (need feedback) #147

Closed onizet closed 1 month ago

onizet commented 1 month ago

Hello everyone,

I'm excited to announce the release of HtmlToOpenxXml v3, ending a journey of 6 months of hard coding.

This new version is a major refactoring, dropping my Regex-based parser to rely on the mature AngleSharp dependency. The table and list tags have been completely rewritten and backed by tons of new unit testing. I have listened all the complaints about these two unsteady parts in v2. This new version is more stable, more robust and the code more easier to maintain (or debug).

Thank you all for your patience and support. Thank you also to all the long-time followers (some since 14 years like @pauldbentley!)

Please share with me your feedback on this new version and any bugs you could face. Let’s make this library even better together! πŸ˜ŠπŸš€