onlaj / Piano-LED-Visualizer

Piano LED Visualizer: Connect an LED strip to your Raspberry Pi and create an immersive visual experience for your piano playing
MIT License
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Create pipy package and file #129

Closed rickstaa closed 4 years ago

rickstaa commented 4 years ago

@onlaj First of all, thanks a lot for creating this repository it works very well! I was creating something similar when I found your code. @onlaj Maybe it is an idea to create a pipy package out of this? I am happy to help with this. In order to do this, I think it is better to change the folder structure to one that is more compatible with the pipy framework (see this post)[]. My suggestion would be to use something like:


In this, the script would be split into a module and a script that users can run. Let me know your thoughts.

onlaj commented 4 years ago

Hey, It can be done, but what are the advantages of this solution compared to cloning the repository from github? Instead of git clone user will have to type pip install piano-led-visualizer, what else will change?

rickstaa commented 4 years ago

@onlaj You are right not much will change. The main benefit of adding it to the PyPI repository will be that users do not need to clone the repository but can simply install the package using the pip install piano-led-visualizer command. The main benefit of changing the project structure into a model/script based structure would be that we can create a command-line script out of the script. This would allow the user to evoke the visualizer using piano-led-visualizer instead of sudo -E python I am however unsure if that would work when the script needs the sudo -E. The other benefit would be that users can install the package and requirements using one simple pip install . command instead. This, however, could already be done by only adding the following file. The main reason I proposed the project structure change is that I think separating the (third party) modules from the main run code would make it easier for people to contribute to the repository. I, however, can understand if there are features you would like to have implemented first. I am happy to help.

vzoltan commented 4 years ago


just create a service :

and run it like a service. so you can always

sudo service pianoled start/stop also autostart after boot.

rickstaa commented 4 years ago

@vzoltan You right that would be a more of an improvement compared to a command-line script. Creating a service would make a pipy package redundant. I will use that on my own raspberry pi for now. Maybe we can add something about that in the documentation.

rickstaa commented 4 years ago

@vzoltan Or just a note as service creation is already explained in the rpi-midi-complete documentation

vzoltan commented 4 years ago

with what ive linked it runs as service. all i know, it works for me.

rickstaa commented 4 years ago

@vzoltan It runs perfectly thanks for that! I was thinking of adding something like this to the

Running Visualizer

Download or clone this repository into your RPI.

git clone

Using PIP install all libraries listed in requirements.txt file Run with command

sudo -E python

You can auto run Visualizer on RPi boot, just follow this tutorial: How To Autorun A Python Script On Raspberry Pi Boot. Additionally, you can also create a service that is started at boot. The steps on how to do this can be found below.

Create a pianoled.service

A service can be created for the pianoled script by creating a service startup file sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/pianoled.service:


ExecStart=sudo /bin/sh -c 'HOME=/home/pi /usr/bin/python /home/pi/Piano-LED-Visualizer/'


Following this service can be added to boot at startup using the following commands:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable pianoled.service
sudo systemctl start pianoled.service
rickstaa commented 4 years ago

@vzoltan I tested your solution out today, and it fully satisfies my what I had in mind. Thanks again!