onlaj / Piano-LED-Visualizer

Piano LED Visualizer: Connect an LED strip to your Raspberry Pi and create an immersive visual experience for your piano playing
MIT License
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PLV 1.3 no autoload #349

Closed AL1-1956 closed 11 months ago

AL1-1956 commented 2 years ago

Hello Aleksander I downloaded and installed the new version of PLV on my Pi Zero W and I have this issue

The PLV 1.3 does not start when I boot the Pi , however it starts when I type

cd /home/Piano-LED-Visualizer "sudo python3

I checked the crontab and it is OK , so I am a little stuck with that problem

Can you confirm that it MUST autoboot with the image file you give to us

Thank You and have a nice day


AL1-1956 commented 2 years ago

Hello again. I tried to log the crontab by using this @reboot sudo /usr/bin/python3 /home/Piano-LED-Visualizer/ >> /home/log

and the log file is empty , so I guess that the cron is not working . It worked perfectly with PLV 1.2 so I'm going back to PLV 1.2 unless somone can confirm that PLV 1.3 is working with the img file and without any modification....

onlaj commented 2 years ago

I'm going back to PLV 1.2 unless somone can confirm that PLV 1.3 is working with the img file and without any modification....

Hello, After creating an img file for release, I always write it on a new sd card to test if everything is OK. I'm using that SD card now and cron is working fine. It should work without any modifications, so I'm not sure why it's not the case for you. Maybe try to reinstall Cron?

AL1-1956 commented 2 years ago

Hello , thank you for your quick answer. I moved back to PLV 1.2 wich works as is with the img file. I have at the moment only one SD Card so I cannot make a check on the cron feature between PLV 1.2 and PLV 1.3. May be you know a way (other than the log file) to check if the crontab has been read . Anyway , have a nice day


AL1-1956 commented 2 years ago

OK , work in progress. I am back with PLV 1.3 and I have only this single instruction in the crontab

"@reboot date > /home/pi/log" and after reboot pi@raspberrypi:~ $ cat log Fri 22 Apr 21:05:30 BST 2022 so the cron is working but for some unknown reason it does not start the new PLV 1.3


onlaj commented 2 years ago

How exactly does your crontab command look like?

AL1-1956 commented 2 years ago

ok so now I have both PLV1.2 and PLV1.3 installed on the same SD cards which is the 1.3 image my crontab is "@reboot sudo python3 /home/PLV_1.3/ &" => this one does not work if i replace by "@reboot sudo python3 /home/PLV_1.2/ &" => this one works

but both work if instead of using the crotab i type sudo python3 /home/PLV_1.3/ & or sudo python3 /home/PLV_1.2/ &

onlaj commented 2 years ago

Why the directories under /home are called "PLV_1.2" and "PLV_1.3"? I'm pretty sure I called them Piano-LED-Visualizer

AL1-1956 commented 2 years ago

I rename so i can know which is 1.2 and wich is 1.3

AL1-1956 commented 2 years ago

Great News (for me at least...) I removed the X attribute of the file with "sudo chmod -X" and now PLV 1.3 is working with the crontab Mistery .....

AL1-1956 commented 2 years ago

It's no more working so I guess the +X attribute was not the solution. Anyway I have now a working PLV1.2 and a "not very well" working PLV1.3. So I can use the app while I make more research I will no more bother you until I make real progress The PLV1.2 IS working and i am very thankful to you for this great app


AL1-1956 commented 2 years ago

Ok for Now i give up with the cron method and use the profile method suggested by Roloo38 in closed issue #153 And i'm happy to thank him because it works every time (tried 5 times in a row) Simply add this line at the end of /etc/profile "sudo -E python3 /home/pi/PLV1.3/ &"

I do not know why it's not working with the cron but for now I don't care Have a nice day Alain

AL1-1956 commented 2 years ago

Hello . I made real progress. The crontab works fine with something like "55 10 26 4 3 sudo python3 /home/Piano-LED-Visualizer/ &" but does not work with "@reboot sudo python3 /home/Piano-LED-Visualizer/ &" So I guess that some resource is not available at boot and maybe I need to add a "wait something" somewhere ... I am going to compare code for PLV 1.2 with code for PLV 1.3 , but my knowledge of Python is very (very very) basic.

onlaj commented 2 years ago

Maybe try something like @reboot sleep 60 && sudo python3 /home/Piano-LED-Visualizer/ &

btw. my wild guess would be that websocket connection needs internet otherwise it makes app crash. Maybe it tries to launch script before connecting to wifi. I will try to connect it to some external screen and disable wifi to see error output.

AL1-1956 commented 2 years ago

Hello , this works !!! Thank You very much :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

onlaj commented 2 years ago

I'm glad to hear that. I need to get some HDMI display. I usually control my RPi through SSH, so I can't test how the script behaves without wi-fi. I suppose it takes longer for your RPi to get a wifi connection than on my setup.

onlaj commented 2 years ago

@AL1-1956 I tried two different HDMI cables, two monitors and nothing works. I think my HDMI output is damaged and I can't find any Zeros in reasonable price.

Can you check something if you have some spare time? Type sudo raspi-config and go to System Options -> Network at boot -> set as Enabled Then remove sleep 60 && part from crontab. This change will make RPi wait for network connection before finishing boot sequence.

AL1-1956 commented 2 years ago

Hello I tried the trick , but this does not work. Is there a way to check if the "Network at boot" is really enabled (other than the raspi-config) ??

onlaj commented 2 years ago

I don't think so. I blocked all ports (except SSH's) and started Visualizer without any problems, so I think lack of network is not an issue for a script. It was also confirmed by your empty log file because it means that script didn't even tried to start. On the other hand, you said that version 1.2 works fine, and that implies cron is working fine and it's the script's update fault. I'm really confused.

AL1-1956 commented 2 years ago

If there is some kind of log or something that can be useful for you , let me know an I will send to you I'm out for a few hours to have a ride with my dog . Thank for your effort


AL1-1956 commented 2 years ago

Ok I am back and I am going to try this As I have now 2 16Gb SD Cards , I will write one with the PLV1.2 image and the other with the PLV1.3 image (out of the box except for the wpa_supplicant.conf and the ssh files that I need to connect on Wifi to my PI) The Pi itself is a Pi Zero WH (wifi with header) and I only plug it to my PC (Intel) with the USB power socket. So I access the Pi in Wifi via (dos console and SSH) . To be continued

AL1-1956 commented 2 years ago

So The first SD Card with PLV1.2 autoboots and the second one with PLV1.3 does'not. I was thinking (maybe completely wrong ) of some kind of DHCP conflict since the IP adress is the same in both cases. But I do not know how to change it on linux at next reboot without cutting my leg.

Buleste commented 1 year ago

Did you ever solve this issue? 1.2 autoboots fine. 1.3 and 1.4 will only autoboot if WiFi is set up which is an issue as many places where my friend gigs do not have WiFi.

AL1-1956 commented 1 year ago

Hello I think (but only Aleksander (Onlaj) can confirm , that wifi is mandatory for PLV to work

onlaj commented 1 year ago

@Buleste @AL1-1956 Correct, for now you need wifi. I'm still waiting for Raspberry Pi availability, once I get one I will release new version.

Buleste commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the reply. I'll go back to 1.2 then.

onlaj commented 11 months ago

I released version 1.5, if you have any questions feel free to reopen this issue.