onlaj / Piano-LED-Visualizer

Piano LED Visualizer: Connect an LED strip to your Raspberry Pi and create an immersive visual experience for your piano playing
MIT License
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Recording Midi file #433

Closed monkshoody closed 12 months ago

monkshoody commented 1 year ago

Hi, I manually set up the visualizer and everything works fine... except the recording of Midi files. Everytime I try to record a Midi, I receive this error message:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/Piano-LED-Visualizer/", line 442, in saving.add_control_change("control_change", 0, control, value, midiports.last_activity) File "/home/Piano-LED-Visualizer/lib/", line 46, in add_control_change self.messages_to_save["main"].append(["control_change", time_value, status, channel, control, value]) AttributeError: 'SaveMIDI' object has no attribute 'messages_to_save'

I also tried to fix it myself by adding the self.messages_to_save["main"] = [] in the __init__ section of the class SaveMIDI. In this case the recording works for one record only. Afterwards I receive this error message:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/Piano-LED-Visualizer/", line 442, in saving.add_control_change("control_change", 0, control, value, midiports.last_activity) File "/home/Piano-LED-Visualizer/lib/", line 46, in add_control_change self.messages_to_save["main"].append(["control_change", time_value, status, channel, control, value]) TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not str

Since I don't want to change the whole file, I stopped troubleshooting at this point. Has anybody detected a similar problem? Can anybody propose a solution?

Kind regards, and thanks for the great work.

onlaj commented 1 year ago

Hey, sorry for the late response.

Check if the start_recording() method is being called by adding a print statement there, and then check the console to see if it's being displayed when you start recording.

If you're trying to declare self.messages_to_save under __init__, you have to declare it as a dictionary first:

self.messages_to_save = dict()
self.messages_to_save["main"] = []

Just to be sure, are you using the latest version of the code?

monkshoody commented 1 year ago

Hey @onlaj,

Since the new update doesn't solve my problem about recording the Midi files, I manually debugged the code again. The problem is neither rooted in the __init__ nor in the start_recording()-function, but in the save()-function of your file.

In the start_recording(), you initialise the self.messages_to_save like this:

self.messages_to_save = dict()
self.messages_to_save["main"] = []

But in the save()-function (line 71) you reinitialise it like:

self.messages_to_save = []

which means, that messages_to_save is no longer a dict, but an array. However, at this point you need to reinitialise it like:

self.messages_to_save["main"] = []

I manually updated my code and now everything works perfectly.

onlaj commented 1 year ago

I used self.messages_to_save = [] to only clear the content inside. I guess better way would be to just use clear(). It shouldn't matter tho because in the start_recording() it is reinitialised back to dictionary with self.messages_to_save = dict(). I have no clue why it's not working for you.

monkshoody commented 1 year ago

I see. Well, I don't know what's going on either. But now it works, so feel free to close the issue. Great work by the way. I really love your project.