online-judge-tools / api-client

API client to develop tools for competitive programming
MIT License
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Codeforces changed the HTML around login #140

Open kmyk opened 3 years ago

kmyk commented 3 years ago

Summary / 概要

tests.login_service.LoginServiceCodeforcesTest testMethod=test_login_failure failed.

Steps to reproduce / 再現方法

  1. pytest tests/*.py

Expected behavior / 期待される挙動

The tests pass.

Actual behavior / 実際の挙動

=================================== FAILURES ===================================
________________ LoginServiceCodeforcesTest.test_login_failure _________________

self = <tests.login_service.LoginServiceCodeforcesTest testMethod=test_login_failure>

    def test_login_failure(self) -> None:
        url = ''
        expected = {'status': 'error', 'messages': ['onlinejudge.type.LoginError: Invalid handle or password.'], 'result': None}

        with update_environ(USERNAME='online-judge-tools', PASSWORD='password'):
            with temporary_cookie() as cookie_path:
                actual = main(['--cookie', str(cookie_path), 'login-service', url], debug=True)
>       self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
E       AssertionError: {'sta[24 chars]': ['onlinejudge.type.LoginError: Invalid hand[29 chars]None} != {'sta[24 chars]': ['AssertionError'], 'result': None}
E       + {'messages': ['AssertionError'], 'result': None, 'status': 'error'}
E       - {'messages': ['onlinejudge.type.LoginError: Invalid handle or password.'],
E       -  'result': None,
E       -  'status': 'error'}

tests/ AssertionError