onmyway133 / PushNotifications

🐉 A macOS, Linux, Windows app to test push notifications on iOS and Android
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Add apns-priority support #26

Closed ilijapuaca closed 4 years ago

ilijapuaca commented 4 years ago

As far as I can see there is no way to specify apns-priority, and after inspecting code in node-apn, it uses a default value of 10 unless otherwise specified (https://github.com/node-apn/node-apn/blob/master/lib/notification/index.js#L13).

My silent notifications are not being delivered at all, and I currently suspect that priority might be the cause. Quote from this article:

In a 2019 WWDC session, Apple said that a value of 5 is now required for all “content-available” notifications. These are notifications that may not contain user-visible data, but are used to invoke the app in the background to download updated content, such as recently received messages. Omitting this may cause the app to not launch.

That being said, it would be great to be able to specify the priority through UI, and simply have it set as the notification property when it's being passed to node-apn.

Ariandr commented 4 years ago

Hi @ilijapuaca Good point. But I believe it can be done without any additional UI. We can simply set it to 5 when it's a silent/background notification, and to 10 for alert notifications.

ilijapuaca commented 4 years ago

It would likely address the scenario I mentioned above, but I'm sure there are cases where the extra flexibility would be appreciated as the value can be set independently from the notification type, and can have values other than 5 and 10.

Ariandr commented 4 years ago

@ilijapuaca I'm not sure other values provide different/unique behavior. Anyway, that's what node-apn documentation says, but I haven't looked into Apple docs.

https://github.com/node-apn/node-apn/blob/master/doc/notification.markdown Screenshot_1

For now, I will put priority 5 to background notifications to solve the issue.

ilijapuaca commented 4 years ago

Sounds good. I'll keep an eye out for when a build is out with this included and will update whether it made a difference in my case specifically.

Ariandr commented 4 years ago

@ilijapuaca I pushed a change in this commit 79f0c20c6 Should be available soon in v.1.7.1

Ping @onmyway133 Can you create a notarized app with this change for mac (new release 1.7.1), please? Also, now I cannot build artifacts on my machine because of afterSignHook.js. Do I need to install any additional dev dependencies? We need to fix it, so users can manually build it on their machines in case of any issues. I tried to build on Windows.

ReferenceError: regeneratorRuntime is not defined at C:\Users\***\PushNotifications\afterSignHook.js:10:48
Ariandr commented 4 years ago

Hi @onmyway133 Have you had a chance to look into it?

onmyway133 commented 4 years ago

@Ariandr Hi, I still have problem with notarization, it says OK but people have problem opening it. About regeneratorRuntime, it is just error in that afterSignHook and does not seem to affect the archiving.

Ariandr commented 4 years ago

@onmyway133 No, it does affect the building. I don't get any distributable files generated now.

Ariandr commented 4 years ago

@onmyway133 For example, on Windows I didn't get .msi file, because the error was thrown immediately after the building process started. On macOS the same, I didn't get neither .zip not .dmg, same error thrown (ReferenceError: regeneratorRuntime is not defined)

Maybe you have some npm dependency globally installed on your machine?

onmyway133 commented 4 years ago

@Ariandr regeneratorRuntime is not defined seems to be related to Babel, whose version 6 we are using now. People suggest to use Babel 7 🙄

Ariandr commented 4 years ago

@onmyway133 If I'm not mistaken, Babel isn't added as a Dev dependency?

Ariandr commented 4 years ago

Hi @onmyway133 Any updates? I think the ability to be able to build the app is more important than notarization. As I understand you can build the app, because you installed some npm dependencies, but didn't add them to dev dependencies in package.json. As a result, nobody can build the app including me, because we don't know which additional packages are required.

onmyway133 commented 4 years ago

@Ariandr I think we can remove afterSignHook for now, and you can build like before?

Ariandr commented 4 years ago

@onmyway133 I have an idea of how we can manage it in a better way. We will have a second branch, which will have afterSignHook, but apart from that will be the copy of master (we will merge any updates there). In this way if users download the source code, they will get master without any notarization logic and I will be able to build the app too.

onmyway133 commented 4 years ago

@Ariandr ja, good idea, let's do that. Can you move the stuff you don't want from master to another branch, maybe call it sign

Ariandr commented 4 years ago

@onmyway133 I've already done that. The new branch is notarization_branch.

Ariandr commented 4 years ago

@onmyway133 I will create a short instruction in Readme of how to install our not-notarized app on Catalina

onmyway133 commented 4 years ago

@Ariandr awesome 👍

Ariandr commented 4 years ago

Hi @ilijapuaca Please, check out this release https://github.com/onmyway133/PushNotifications/releases/tag/1.7.1

ilijapuaca commented 4 years ago

Got it. I was able to download the .dmg and run it using the instructions you provided. I didn't test whether the priority is being set appropriately now (I don't see why it wouldn't be, plus it's a bit hard to test as I could only sniff the network traffic in order to confirm?), but I'll get around to testing whether the notifications are coming through properly within the next day or two.

One note -- the app name has changed from PushNotifications to Push Notifications. Not sure whether that was done intentionally, so thought I'd mention it.

Thanks @Ariandr!

Ariandr commented 4 years ago

@ilijapuaca Great, thanks for the fast response. When you are able to test it, please let us know if the fix is working)

ilijapuaca commented 4 years ago

@Ariandr initial results seem pretty good, I'm getting the notification through while the app is in the foreground (yet to test background), which wasn't the case before.

I think that solves the original issue, thanks!

Ariandr commented 4 years ago

Hi @ilijapuaca Great. iOS 13 has new behavior regarding receiving the notifications, that might be the case.