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How to notarize macOS app #203

Open onmyway133 opened 5 years ago

onmyway133 commented 5 years ago

New Notarization Requirements


With the public release of macOS 10.14.5, we require that all developers creating a Developer ID certificate for the first time notarize their apps, and that all new and updated kernel extensions be notarized as well

Signing Your Apps for Gatekeeper


Unpublished Software. It’s easy to get unpublished software notarized with the Export process or xcodebuild. Custom build workflows are supported by the xcrun altool command line tool for uploading, and you can use xcrun stapler to attach the ticket to the package.

Published Software. To submit software you've already published, upload it using the xcrun altool command line tool. Several file types are supported, including .zip, .pkg, and .dmg, so you can upload the same package you already distribute to users.

Notarizing Your App Before Distribution


When you click Next, Xcode uploads your archive to the notary service. When the upload is complete, the notary service begins the scanning process, which usually takes less than an hour. While the notary service scans your software, you can continue to prepare your archive for distribution. For example, you can export the archive and perform any final testing that you require prior to making your software available to customers.

When the notarization process finishes, Xcode downloads the ticket and staples it to your archive. At that point, export your archive again to receive a distributable version of your software that includes the notary ticket.

Upload a macOS app to be notarized


First, upload your macOS app to Apple to be notarized. If the upload fails, view the upload logs to find the problem. For example, you must enable hardened runtime (macOS) before you upload the app. Otherwise, check the notarization status and when the status is “Ready for distribution”, export the app for distribution.

Distribute outside the Mac App Store (macOS)


In some cases, you may want to distribute an app outside of the Mac App Store. Because the app won’t be distributed by Apple, assure users that you are a trusted developer by signing your app with a Developer ID certificate. Users gain additional assurance if your Developer ID-signed app is also notarized by Apple.

On macOS, if your app isn’t downloaded from the Mac App Store or signed with a Developer ID certificate, it won’t launch unless the user completely disables Gatekeeper. Users have the option of enabling or disabling identified developers in System Preferences.

zevrix commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the info! I wonder if you know by any chance how to distribute a notarized app on dmg? Apple doesn't provide any info on this.

a295053193 commented 5 years ago

How can I notarize pkg package ?