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Favorite WWDC 2017 sessions #56

Open onmyway133 opened 7 years ago

onmyway133 commented 7 years ago
  1. Introducing Core ML

    • Core ML
  2. Introducing ARKit: Augmented Reality for iOS

    • ARKit
  3. What's New in Swift

    • String
    • Generic
    • Codable
  4. Advanced Animations with UIKit

    • Multiple animation
    • Interactive animation
  5. Natural Language Processing and your Apps

    • NSLinguisticTagger
  6. What's New in Cocoa Touch

    • Large title
    • Drag and drop
    • File management
    • Safe area
  7. What's New in Foundation

    • KeyPath
    • Observe
    • Codable
  8. Debugging with Xcode 9

    • Wireless debugging
    • View controller debugging
  9. Core ML in depth

    • Model
    • Core ML tools
  10. Vision Framework: Building on Core ML

    • Detection
    • Track
  11. What's New in Testing

    • Parallel testing
    • Wait
    • Screenshot
    • Multiple app scenario
LisaDziuba commented 7 years ago

Check Designing Sound session! It's very cool 🙌

onmyway133 commented 7 years ago

@LisaDziuba thanks, I 've just listened to that too. That is something we often overlook