onnela-lab / forest

Forest is a library for analyzing smartphone-based high-throughput digital phenotyping data
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Release to pipy #244

Open muschellij2 opened 6 months ago

muschellij2 commented 6 months ago

Is there some guidance on when versions will be updated? Currently, the recommendation is to use:

pip install git+https://github.com/onnela-lab/forest

Which will install from GitHub, but the version hasn't changed in 3+ years (Nov 2020 commit): https://github.com/onnela-lab/forest/commit/063558ca67fcab709a336a9840021889d7dd68c5 where it set the (current) forest version) to 0.1.1: https://github.com/onnela-lab/forest/blob/063558ca67fcab709a336a9840021889d7dd68c5/setup.py#L21 which it is still currently at: https://github.com/onnela-lab/forest/blob/e0bfab42f763e3c76676c5c5085c2b92a7e6e7db/setup.py#L30

Also, is there an intention to version this release to PiPy?

hackdna commented 6 months ago

Hi John, thank you for using Forest and raising this issue. The library is under active development and you can get the latest code by using the develop branch as you described. We simply neglected bumping the version. We are aiming to have a more regular release schedule and publish the package to PyPI starting in the next couple of months.

muschellij2 commented 6 months ago

I understand, but it's really hard from a reproducibility perspective, especially as things are dropping/moving around and it makes it hard to publish with this method reliably

hackdna commented 6 months ago

Yes, the develop branch is meant to support quick feature rollout. This is why we are planning to create tagged releases on the main branch on a semi-regular schedule going forward.

In the meantime, you can reference a particular commit during installation for better reproducibility, for example:

pip install git+https://github.com/onnela-lab/forest@e0bfab42f763e3c76676c5c5085c2b92a7e6e7db
muschellij2 commented 6 months ago

Agreed, but the issue with this is that we had people working on different commit IDs and it's non-trivial for some users to know their commit ID (e.g. pip freeze) versus all having version 0.1.1. My request was a simple version bump here and there to make it easier to track down issues.

hydawo commented 1 week ago

Hi @hackdna @biblicabeebli

Notes from our call on Fri 8/30/24 are here -https://cheddar-fur-3bc.notion.site/Forest-on-PyPi-b411191b931c41bf89dc5396584477aa?pvs=4

One item JP asked me to add is that we should include the screen-time repo in the official release of Forest 1.0. I'll keep you updated on the changelog progress. Thank you!