onnx / onnx-coreml

ONNX to Core ML Converter
MIT License
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export MobileNetv3 ONNX to CoreML failed! #552

Open dragen1860 opened 4 years ago

dragen1860 commented 4 years ago

hi, all, has anyone succeed to convert mobilenetv3 onnx to coreml yet? I found it will get Error while converting op of type: Conv. Error message: provided number axes -1 not supported error. Can anyone give some solutions? thank you.

gemfield commented 4 years ago

related with https://github.com/onnx/onnx-coreml/commit/c36bfefbf84ce280195e9589e44aac3ee688b11d ?

onemillionbucks commented 3 years ago

I got a different conversion op error. If you want more investigation resources, try running my jupyter notebook : https://github.com/onemillionbucks/core-ml-tests/blob/main/CoreMLTests%202.ipynb