onomyprotocol / arc

Arc moves assets cross-chain to and from integrated blockchains.
Apache License 2.0
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A Note in case someone wants to develop this further #145

Open AaronKutch opened 7 months ago

AaronKutch commented 7 months ago

Development is currently halted because we are using other bridges and then using IBC to transfer tokens from them. The add_consumer_module_with_super_orch branch is almost working with a super_orchestrator replacement for the old bash script based system. On top of those changes, the plan was to rebase the add_consumer_module branch. This modifies the gravity module to be able to work on an interchain security consumer chain, however I am not entirely sure if the design is secure. A pain point is that I wanted to have one account type, but it caused issues with sequence number collisions when the gravity orchestrator was running in parallel, I don't know if the solution is brute force incrementing sequence numbers or if I needed a different design