onryldz / x-superobject

Delphi Cross Platform Rapid JSON
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Are the links to indy and DB really needed ? #92

Closed vkrapotkin closed 8 years ago

vkrapotkin commented 8 years ago

in XuperObject.pas we have

uses Classes,  Variants,   SysUtils,   Character,   XSuperJSON,   RTTI,   TypInfo,   DB,
  Generics.Collections,   IdGlobal,   IdCoderMIME;

can we avoid of using indy and DB modules to reduce unneedable linkage ?

onryldz commented 8 years ago

Hi Vladimir, Nowadays, I'm so busy. But, it seems possible.

vkrapotkin commented 8 years ago

Thank you for your great work. But let's return to the issue. Now XS needs indy only to do a Base64 encoding. Since XE7 we have native methods to do it: TNetEncoding.Base64.EncodeBytesToString(TBytes):string; TNetEncoding.Base64.DecodeStringToBytes(string):TBytes; I guess it's much better to use it. After that we no more need have to define SP_STREAM