onsever / leno

E-commerce Web Application | React, RTK Query, Spring Boot, Spring Security & JWT Authentication, Spring Data JPA
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(Front-end) Home Page Design #15

Open onsever opened 1 year ago

onsever commented 1 year ago

Description: In this task, we have designed a static page that provides a foundational structure for the home page of a web application. While it's still a work in progress and uses placeholder content, this layout serves as a starting point for the overall design process.

Key Features: Header Section: A top header contains a brand logo or name, offering familiarity to users and creating a visual identity for the application. Navigation Menu: A horizontal navigation menu is positioned beneath the header, providing links to different sections of the website. It enhances user accessibility and site exploration. Hero Banner: A prominent hero banner spans across the width of the page, showcasing an eye-catching image related to the website's theme. Overlay text introduces the application's purpose or message.