onsightit / web-wallet

OpenSourced Node.js Web Wallet for PoS Coins
GNU General Public License v3.0
27 stars 50 forks source link

I can not login user email and user password #6

Open devAji917 opened 6 years ago

devAji917 commented 6 years ago

i have installed this open source webwallet successfully. Then i have tried to signup and login. i have not got any mail from my email. my setting.conf are as follows:

// // This file must be valid JSON. But comments are allowed // // Please copy this file to settings.json to make your changes. // Do not modify settings.json.template! // { // NOTE: rpcuser/pass/host/port is pulled from the coin's config file.

// Runtime environment: 'development' or 'production' "env": "development",

// The url hosting the app. e.g. myhost.org (Must match browser URI to satisfy CORS and Cookies.) // IMPORTANT: If this parameter is not set correctly, flash messages, sockets and ssl will not work. "appHost": "localhost",

// The app title, visible in browser window "appTitle": "YourCoin Title",

// The app slogan "appSlogan": "Explore YourCoin!",

// The app description "appDescription": "YourCoin App description goes here.",

// The copyright for the footer (uncomment to override default) //"copyRight": "Copyright (c) 2016-2017, The YourCoin developers. All rights reserved.",

// Logo "logo": "images/Logo.png",

// Icon "icon": "images/Icon.png",

// favicon "favicon": "./public/wallet/favicon.ico",

// Coin name / page heading "coinName": "YourCoin",

// Coin symbol "coinSymbol": "SSH",

// Coin addresses start with this character "coinChar": "S",

// How many decimale places to display for coin fractions "decimalPlaces": 4,

// Coin has transaction txcomment feature "txComment": false,

// chRoot allows you to put the app in a "subfolder" of an existing website, // then use mod_proxy (or equivolent) to proxy requests for /wallet to the node. // e.g. ProxyPass /wallet/ KeepAlive=On // ProxyPassReverse /wallet/ // If your website is Wordpress, you will need to change the .htaccess rule to: // # ORIGINAL RewriteRule . /index.php [L] // RewriteRule ./ /index.php [L] // Set to "" to allow the sub-folder 'wallet' to be exposed for proxying. // Set to "/wallet" to chroot the node to /public/wallet/ (Normal for stand-alone YourCoin). "chRoot": "/wallet",

// Show stats in navigation "showStats": true,

// History rows per page "historyRowsPP": 10,

// Minimum transaction fee "minTxFee": 0.0001,

// Amount to send new users at sign-up "newUserAmount": 1.0,

// Some control over how much can be sent at one time "maxSendAmount": 1000.0,

// Run nodejs as ssl server or not "ssl": false, // Unsecure port to listen on "port": 8181,

// Secure port to listen on "sslPort": 8383,

// SSL certs key "sslKey": "./sslcert/server.key",

// SSL certs crt "sslCrt": "./sslcert/server.crt",

// This setting is passed to MongoDB. See README.md for setting up the database. "mdb": { "user": "root", "password": "root", "database": "olympicdb", "host": "localhost", "port": 27017 },

// This setting is used to make RPC calls to the wallet daemon. "wallet": { "rpcuser": "rpcuser", "rpcpassword": "rpcpassword", "rpchost": "", "rpcport": 26666, "ssl": false, "rejectUnauthorized": false, "strictSSL": false },

// Email address/password to send through mail service. "appEmail": "rrjjhh917@hotmail.com", "appEmailPassword": "my hotmaill password", "appEmailService": "hotmail",

// Master UI login account, and Label to assign to "" wallet accounts. // DO NOT CHANGE THE ACCOUNT NAME AFTER FIRST RUN! "masterAccount": "rrjjhh917@hotmail.com",

// Master email account for UI. "masterEmail": "webmaster@example.com",

// Master password for UI. (CHANGE THIS!) "masterPassword": "sdf",

// Master can encrypt the wallet "masterCanEncrypt": true,

// Secret used for keyring and cookies "supersecret": "super secret pass phrase",

// Google reCaptcha private/public keys (Leave as '' if not using.) "reCaptchaSecret": "", "reCaptchaKey": "" }

hungyu99 commented 6 years ago

how do you installed this open source webwallet?

devAji917 commented 6 years ago

Hi, hungyu99!, Did you not installed this source? i have installed this source as guide. no error. but i can not signup and login. please try and comment please

hungyu99 commented 6 years ago

Hi devAji917 i have installed this source as guide. But something went wrong

devAji917 commented 6 years ago

Hi,hungyu99. my skype id is john dragon. let's talk on there.

hungyu99 commented 6 years ago

Hi devAji917 skype id is john dragon is many

devAji917 commented 6 years ago

my skype id is rjh917@hotmail.com