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as support for ios changed recently? #1039

Open apaul0210 opened 1 year ago

apaul0210 commented 1 year ago

has the support for Ios changed recently, as i have found that I'm unable to make an audio on safari anymore but works on android.

i can't seem to stream any media attachments in safari using this link https://sipjs.com/guides/attach-media/

does this code work in ios 16?

const mediaElement = document.getElementById('mediaElement'); const remoteStream = new MediaStream(); function setupRemoteMedia(session: Session) { session.sessionDescriptionHandler.peerConnection.getReceivers().forEach((receiver) => { if (receiver.track) { remoteStream.addTrack(receiver.track); } }); mediaElement.srcObject = remoteStream; mediaElement.play(); }

I cant seem to get any streaming playback. audio is playable in safari as far I can tell too, Nothing in console logs either.