ontio / cyano-wallet

Cyano wallet - an Ontology wallet
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fix bug: log function in smart contract cause timeout error #18

Closed liuqiang1357 closed 5 years ago

liuqiang1357 commented 5 years ago

Please make sure https://github.com/ontio/ontology-ts-sdk/pull/152 has been merged and update ontolgy-ts-sdk to lastest version.

MickWang commented 5 years ago

Please make sure ontio/ontology-ts-sdk#152 has been merged and update ontolgy-ts-sdk to lastest version.

The pr of ontology-ts-sdk has been merged. Will publish a new version and cyano-wallet would install the newest ts sdk.

liuqiang1357 commented 5 years ago

ontology-ts-sdk has been updated to the lastest version.