ontoportal-lirmm / bioportal_web_ui

A Rails application for ontologies portal.
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Mappings to resources that we have in AgroPortal shall resolve to AgroPortal not orignal URIs resolution #652

Open jonquet opened 1 month ago

jonquet commented 1 month ago

Let's be sure the AGROVOC mappings are resoved to AGROVOC in AgroPortal. https://agroportal.lirmm.fr/ontologies/THESAGRO/?p=classes&conceptid=http%3A%2F%2Fsistemas.agricultura.gov.br%2Fvocab%2Fthesagro%2F2434&jump_to_nav=true

Capture d’écran 2024-06-05 à 16 31 14

See https://github.com/ontoportal-lirmm/bioportal_web_ui/issues/619 for more detaills

syphax-bouazzouni commented 1 month ago

Duplicate of https://github.com/ontoportal-lirmm/bioportal_web_ui/issues/619 ? @jonquet

jonquet commented 1 month ago

Indeed it a duplicate. So now se have a translation ;)